dhcp server liuxLinux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

Turn your old Laptop/PC Into a network firewall between PC & Router.

00:00 || 00:15 Introduction
00:15 || 01:00 Requirements
01:00 || 03:25 Setup IPFire_ USB Stick.
03:25 || 07:00 Router Page & DHCP Server
07:00 || 10:45 IPFIRE_ Installation.
10:45 || 23:15 IPFIRE_ Network Configuration.
23:15 || 24:30 Accessing the IPFIRE_ Fire Wall GUI.

!!!! Warning !!!! if you dont have an old laptop/pc at disposal use a virtual machine with a tool like oracle virutalbox.
!!!! Warning !!!! Your Old Laptop/PC HardDisk will be wiped completely.
!!!! Warning !!!! Your USB Flash Drive will be wiped Completely.
!!!! Warning !!!! Do this on your own responsibility , since this might require changes to the network.

Summary :
Basically this video is how to setup a firewall conneciton between your PC and the LaptopFireWall and then the router, if your interested in connecting also wifi devices let me know.

Comment, Like and Subscribe & Let me know if your interested aswell in connecting the wificard and DHCP Server


How to find my DHCP server?

How to find my DHCP server IP address via a command prompt in Windows?
https://superuser.com/questions/314145/how-to-find-my-dhcp-server-ip-address-via-a-command-prompt-in-windowsHow do I determine

What is my DHCP server ?
https://serverfault.com/questions/293556/how-do-i-determine-what-my-dhcp-server-isReferences from ip-fire setup How do I determine what my DHCP server is?https://www.ipfire.org/docs

Step 1: Check the prerequisites

Step 2: Prepare the installation media

Step 3: Run the installer

Step 4: Initial setup

Step 5: Network Setup

Step 6: Internet Connection Setup
https://www.ipfire.org/docs/installation/redTOSHIBA L300-2CU Specifications .

Intel Celeron Processor (2GHz)
DVD-RW SuperMulti drive (Double Layer)
2 GB DDR3 RAM (800 MHz)
15.4-inch, 1,280 by 800 screen;


by AndGoEdu

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

One thought on “Turn your old Laptop/PC Into a network firewall between PC & Router.

  • Cool. I actually have a laptop with a bad screen that this will be perfect for. Thank you.

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