Tutorial How to install Zimbra Mail Server (single server) on Ubuntu
This video show tutorial step by step installing Zimbra collaboration mail server on single server with Ubuntu Operating System.
by Buddhi Sudrajat
linux smtp server
This video show tutorial step by step installing Zimbra collaboration mail server on single server with Ubuntu Operating System.
by Buddhi Sudrajat
linux smtp server
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bang mau nanya cara dapetin ip publik dan dns gmn ya bang ?
Thank you , very useful to setup in my server subscribed from http://www.datasoft.ws
Bang bisa minta tutorial dalam bentuk docmen atau pdf
Email sanjayasuleman28@gmail.com
Terima kasih..
pa, bagaimana konfigurasi agar bisa kirim email keluar (gmail) dan sebaliknya?
Mas, kalau punya subdomain tok apa bisa? Ip static punya.
It's nice video and helpful, can I have the material in powerpoint file sir ?
Thanks Sir
This video helped me a lot to configure the Zimbra server that I rented from http://www.datasoft.ws
Please upload more videos.
Pak maaf boleh saya minta materi yg di ppt itu lewat email? Buat tugas akhir saya pak. Makasi banyak pak
can I do this on ubuntu 14.04lts.. or can i do this on 16.04 via virtual machine pls answer its urgent<3
Pak mau tanya klu untuk sekedar belajar apa perlu ip public? dan bisa kah diinstall virtual? maaf baru belajar
can I do this on ubuntu 18.04?
Thanks Pak Buddhi tutor nya, cukup jelas
tapi saya masih ada problem, sudah saya ikuti step by step nya, cuma waktu zimbra status masih ada yang stopped
opendkim Stopped
zmopendkimctl is not running.
opendkim cara start nya gimana ya, impactnya saya tidak bisa kirim email. menerima email bisa
Boleh pa email saya.
Pa buddhi file db. Yg pertama dibuka path buatnya dmn ya? Txs pa tutornya bagus sekali.
boleh minta materi nya pak?
bang bagi tutornya di email syahruldani.s@gmail.com
makasih yah
great tutorial, boleh dishare mas buddhi artikelnya ke email saya mas recoztydamaic07@gmail.com, sukses selalu mas buddhi dan semoga bermanfaat ilmunya trims..
hello great tuto I get a problemeat the end I can not connect to the server even I https//@ip:7071
I asked myself to send from zimbra via email, I sent but email I did not receive from zimbra.
izin pak Buddhi Sudrajat jika boleh apa saya juga boleh minta share materinya pak?
mantap pak, bisa share documentnya pak?