Tweaking the Linux Boot Flow for an Accelerated ADAS Experience – Keerthy Jagadeesh & Brijesh Jadav

Tweaking the Linux Boot Flow for an Accelerated ADAS Experience – Keerthy Jagadeesh & Brijesh Jadav, Texas Instruments

With increased complexity of ADAS use cases there is an obvious need for heterogenous multiprocessor SOCs. The heterogenous processors add to boot time. The software now has to meet the conflicting requirements of complexity in ADAS use cases & a faster time to realize the use case. The challenge is in maximizing the parallel execution of individual parts of the use case making use of the different processors. The presentation provides a generic overview of the choice of boot flow, choice of boot loaders, the optimization in boot loaders, Kernel, file system. A strategy on how to partition the peripheral initialization amongst the available processors. The presentation aims to give generic guidelines/strategy to realize ADAS use case with optimal time. This presentation discusses about analyzing the latency at each phase of the Linux boot, interaction between subsystems and generic device tree & driver level changes made for optimized realization of ADAS use cases. A case study of 360 degree surround view optimization on parallel utilization of different ARM cores, GPU & DSPs will be discussed where the improvements are made in the execution of each processor, effective use of openVX nodes to communicate between Linux and non-Linux processors. The optimizations discussed will be generic in nature and can be extended for any ADAS use case.


by The Linux Foundation

linux foundation