UBUNTU◾️ one word that can change your life – Tom Cruise #icons

#quotes #philosophy #actor
Ubuntu can best be described as an African philosophy that places emphasis on ‘being self through others’. It is a form of humanism which can be expressed in the phrases ‘I am because of who we all are’ and ubuntu ngumuntu ngabantu in Zulu language. Tom Cruise



9 thoughts on “UBUNTU◾️ one word that can change your life – Tom Cruise #icons

  • M'butu??? Ma, non era quello di Vulvia di Guzzanti al Sapevatelo Channel ( che era invidiosa del figlio di Piero Angela!) Ma l'ha copiata!!! Povera Vulvia, io sono con te!

  • Imagine your life philosophy being associated with a lackluster Linux distro lol

  • You are wonderful personality Mr Tom Cruise 💫🏆🇺🇲🇬🇧🇩🇪 respectfull for your

  • Tom then live as you are talking about here not for yourself but for all humanity

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