Ubuntu 🌞🌝 I am because you are

Greetings friends!
I thought today was going to be a day of rest and giving my voice a day off, but funny enough I was moved to reenergize by singing this evening.
The bowls supported me. I supported them. We supported each other.
There was no conversation, no discussion… it just was.

I think there is a message in that.
I am because you are.
An African philosophy I hold near and dear to my heart, honoring my Cameroonian and Egyptian roots.
It embraces the simple fact that we cannot exist in isolation.
Humans yearn for connection, a sense of community, and nurturing.
We need each other.
This is what I feel the Lion’s Gate Portal ushered in, a conscious shift in how we think about ourselves related to others.
I am here for you. I am here because of you.
Thank you.
Thank you for all you do.
Shining your unique presence upon the fabric of humanity.
Happy Monday soul family!

Love always,



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