Ubuntu 11.10 Overview

Take a quick peek at what’s new and improved in Ubuntu 11.10.

Once installed take a look at 10 Things to Do After Installing: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-11-10/



37 thoughts on “Ubuntu 11.10 Overview

  • Ubuntu did a great job till 2021
    Thanks canonical

  • This is so nostalgic. I installed Ubuntu 11 on an old laptop 7 years ago and it didn't disappoint me. I still prefer Unity over Gnome.

  • omg nostalgic my first ubuntu 8 something

  • that was my first distro lol 😀 ^^

  • actually, they don't need to use windows to install other OS. Just boot directly from a CD or flash drive… duh

  • why did those people put the escape,minimize and restore down buttons on the left side of the window??those people shoud go fuck itselfs!!!..all my childhood was in front of windows…by the way mac OS has sommme vvvery tinny little shited buttons!

  • Mac OS is based on unix, which linux is the free version of, which is what ubuntu is based on.

  • probably because ubuntu invented most of that stuff, mac copied almost everithing!!!! (eccept the global menu, whitch sucks in both mac and ubuntu)

  • actually Apple is Unix since OS X

  • I know and thats not the point. The dude before me thought or is still thinking that Unix is stealing ideas of apple. But the fact is that apple OS X is based on Unix.

  • thumbs me up if you fab to this video

  • windows and ubuntu have very little in common.

  • Thats because ubuntu and linux are much better then the mac os and apple is stealing much more ideas from them

  • Agree with you, GlitchPaws. Ubuntu used to be my main OS… Ever since Unity, Ubuntu just doesn't work for me. I switched to other Linux distributions and currently running Win7, which I'm very pleased with.

  • Is it possible to have dashboard on Ubuntu 11.10 Classic/User Defined Session?

  • I can't even log into the internet because of the wireless problem that I can't fix . Thank God I didn't remove win 7 .

  • yeah i mean Wine application, i tried to run photoshop and it was full of bugs
    the Virtualbox work fine and i installed small version of xp to run photoshop on it becus i can't leave photoshop it's all i'm good at
    i hope some day Ubuntu can run abobe prouducts

  • When you say simulator you mean a windows emulator like virtualbox or a compatibility layer like wine or playonlinux? In virtualbox it runs just like in windows (may a bit slower). With wine or playonlinux it may have some bugs.

  • you need to calm down man 🙂
    he asked if he can run Adobe apps like PS, AE
    i said no , it will be full of bugs if he run it with the windows simulator
    i'm 100% ubuntu user 🙂

  • Full of bugs? every piece of software, OS and even progamming lanugage can have bugs! but since the project is an open-source project and it is free, that doesn't mean they don't give a shit to the operating system! i used ubuntu for over a year and i am very pleased of how it turned out. there might be bugs but not 99.99% of the operating system is full of bugs! anyway, ubuntu is a Great operating system and i highly recommend it!

  • Dear lord, the amount of bullshit comments under this video….

  • You probably should have dual-booted then…

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