Ubuntu 20.04 Installation and Review

In this video I show you how to install ubuntu 20.04, and I review some of its new features like faster booting, dark mode, and application

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24 thoughts on “Ubuntu 20.04 Installation and Review

  • Ive heard of ubuntu doing some shady stuff. I know this video is 4 years old, so no criticism there. I would like an update on how you view the situation.

  • What's the point of running Linux if your only going to sign into Google and Microsoft?

  • Installed Ubuntu 22 LTS this evening on my gaming rig. Now my gaming rig will also be my coding rig.

  • 13:23 yes, because we (the user) would definitely not notice our password being visible halfway through typing it. But we also know why the password hiding thing is there, let's not pretend that we don't. People want to check if they misspelled their password and reveal the password to check so they don't trigger a failed attempt.

    I think that while you do kinda have a point with your statement, I think your scenario isn't very good.

  • I can't install anything on virtual box it keeps throwing me some error that goes like this
    Not in a hypervisor partition (HVP=0) (VERR_NEM_NOT_AVAILABLE).

    AMD-V is disabled in the BIOS (or by the host OS) (VERR_SVM_DISABLED).

  • Nice. Not even getting over 2 gigs of ram while playing videos. Idling right under 1 gig. Will keep using Linux, performance in some games is BETTER than in windows, probably due to lower ram and CPU overhead. Why can't Microsoft do better? What is it using all the resources for? Probably spying. Probably.

  • I recently dual booted my laptop with windows 10 and ubuntu. I’m definitely feeling like switching to Linux full time now. I still use windows on my school provided laptop, since they have their own weird software thing for our engineering software and I don’t want to pay licensing for it when the school does already

  • The only thing I really don't like about Ubuntu is Snap, I get wanting to run applications in a sandboxed way has its advantages but at least give a choice to the user, instead of simply not releasing packages outside of snap, especially since there's still bugs and it's not really ready for production imo

  • You’re right about toggle for the password hiding, but I think it’s a case of bad defaults. That feature (toggled) has a place in accessibility features I’m sure. Click-and-hold should be the default

  • Gentoo is shit and debian/ubuntu lets you make your own packages obviously or compile if you want. But who'd be that stupid…

  • It wasn't a rat, but a beaver. Hench the name Bionic Beaver.;)

  • To be fair, that password scenario seems kind of contrived, why would you just leave a password filled in?
    I do agree with your suggestions though.

  • 16:47 Windows 10 doing absolutely nothing: 3.1 gigs. Ubuntu 20.04 running Super Mario Sunshine on dolphin gamecube emulator: > 2 gigs.

  • Is it just me, or does it sound like you're saying "U m buntu"

  • As a cat person, that triggered me hard when you called that thing a bobcat.

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