Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla Available Now! | Tech News

Ubuntu 20 10 Groovy Gorilla Available Now! Released October 22, 2020, the latest version of ubuntu: Groovy Gorilla (Ubuntu 20.10) is all about minor tweaks, rather than groundbreaking new features. As an interim release, it also doesn’t have long-term support. So, is it worth the upgrade?

The Groovy Gorilla has hit the streets and, again, this is an interim build of the massively popular Linux distribution. Every two years, Canonical releases a long-term support (LTS) version of Ubuntu that’s supported for five years.

Still, Canonical releases new versions of Ubuntu every six months. Every LTS release is followed by three interim releases before the next LTS release. These collect the changes and improvements that have been made so far en route to the next LTS version.

These interim builds allow Canonical’s developers to collect feedback and conduct field testing on their work so far. Interim builds also give people a chance to play with the latest, greatest version of the software.

The April 2020 release (20.04 “Focal Fossa”) was the most recent LTS version, so six months down the development road, Groovy Gorilla doesn’t deliver any big surprises or shake-ups. The Gorilla has had its dusters out, polishing and shining here and there, but that’s about it.

That’s not to say this isn’t a slick and (throughout our testing) stable build. So far, it seems rock-solid and looks great, but is it worth leaving a long-term service release?

Article Credits: www.howtogeek.com
Read the complete article at: https://tinyurl.com/y3h6pouv

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