Ubuntu 22.04 Is Unstable & Systemd OOMD Is Why!
Have apps been randombly crashing on Ubuntu 22.04, you leave your system for a bit and all your work is gone, and sometimes even the Gnome shell, well cause is a new tool brought into Ubuntu 22.04 called Systemd OOMD
Disable systemd-oomd: systemctl mask systemd-oomd
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#Ubuntu #systemd #linux #systemdoomd #linuxdesktop
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im gonna OOOOM
I used to love ubuntu and used it for 2 years but this starts freezing suddenly and nothing works, freezes completely including desktop, keyboard, nothing works except hard reset which is risky thing to do. So I deleted ununtu and switched to windows 😂
On an old elitebook with Ubuntu 18 was working great. Bought new laptop (32GB RAM), installed 22.04 and fail, fail, fail apps everyday. I've thought something wrong with my new laptop config… Thanks for the explanation!
Bro, my whole Desktop folder disappeared, The pain is so intense I fear I'll become a vigilante who wears a bat constume and fights off crime at night, with the help of a minor
I'm using 22.04 LTS and have 32gb of ram with 8gb of swap, Chrome or Firefox constantly crash, sometime I'm not be able to turn them back on, also games I'm playing. Even the terminal get killed unrecoverably.
I recently found your channel and subscribed because your vids help me learn more about Linux. I appreciate that you mentioned this about Ubuntu, i wish i had seen it when i was having issues but its good to finally know what the issue was. Thanks for also having a general love for all things Linux and not just Arch even though i like that you talk about Arch and your DE so much since i know very little about those two since i am a regular Ubuntu Desktop user.
It is absolutely amazing that Ubuntu 22.04 LTE is fully crashed and locked-up by 'systemd-oomd' when firefox seemingly 'overloads' memory resources, even with tons of free RAM and a 1.9 GB swap partition. The systemd+ user's sledgehammer approach to memory management is unacceptable for a production desktop OS in 2023. This is SERIOUSLY BAD and NEEDS TO BE FIXED, not ignored in the pointless hope it might go away.
So this is what kill the games on my Linux !?
I cannot even browse the web with this crappy OS. After a while everything freezes and I am SICK OF IT! This is a JOKE. Linux nerds need to go all the way back to the drawing board. Trying to get away from windows for ten years but linux has all the same problems and more! Computer freezing= UNACCEPTABLE! There are no excuses for this!
You are using the Unstabe Iso…dont Blame the OS if you are a sorta o Arch Fanboy
I can stand Linux only 1 week every year. That's it.
What a waste of time. Both for the users and the developers.
Good luck with developing so many unstable distros.
This is so true, i am having a infernal experience in ubuntu
I have a weird OOMD problem on Ubuntu 22.04. I've given the system a 32Gig swap file, and I've got twice the RAM. It slows the boot by giving a fail-to-start error; however, if I check it using systemctl status after boot, it's running fine? Any thoughts?
For me, Ubuntu is more stable than win 11 by broken update's from microsoft
ubuntu is debian testing so? runs virtual machine so nuce. like linux like be in virtual on windows xD well 3% is proove of it.
COOOM ON make one linuxOS and distros can be temes. too many choices people stay windows bcoz it works. no 11. 10 LOL bcoz 12 coming its nice again
@Brodie Robertson Do you know anything about ubuntu 22.04 not able to receice data packets through udp. I am facing this issues and not getting anywhere with it. Please help
Yup just removed systemd-oomd on my system. I have 16GB RAM & 16GB swap, run a gnome-terminal with screen in it with 8 or 9 shells or whatever, firefox running, the stuff I run during the way has it slowly swap out firefox through the day. Get home, it goes swapping firefox back in for a few seconds (then runs fine), no problem with 20.04. With 22.04, it's fine except it's not to systemd-oomd, it killed my gnome-terminal (and the shells, screen, and a VirtualBox I was running, and a few s3ql mounts… thanks systemd!) due to "58% memory pressure (>50%) for >20s." NOT helpful, this stuff was running fine up until the second systemd-oomd killed it and firefox was swapped in by then too actually.
Ive been having crazy performance problems on Ubuntu 22.04, the UI seems to lag a bunch. All dirvers up to date etc, ubuntu is a let down recently. Snaps completely removed too
Does anyone know if this problem exists in lubuntu, kubuntu, ubuntu mate and the other ubuntu spins?
Thanks for the video. I am on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and waiting for 22.04.1 LTS for the upgrade. If I want rock solid stability for a desktop I am using, would you recommend PopOS 22.04 LTS or still Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?
I do not have this issue at all. 16GB RAM Intel 11th gen. COuld it be CPU related ? I know what i am saying may not makes sense but maybe ? What are the specs of the people having this issue ?