Ubuntu 22.04 LTS On MacBook Pro | Linux On Mac 2022

Linux On Mac is Next Level. This is Ubuntu Linux running inside a MacBook Pro 2017 On a bare metal with Intel Inside. In the last few videos, you guys asked me how did I manage Ubuntu 22.04 running On a Mac? In this video, I am going to address everything you need to know about Linux running on a Mac. *Installation Video*: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIgxEEzT9ek

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Videos To Watch ***
Dual Boot Ubuntu 22.04 and MacOS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIgxEEzT9ek
22 Things to Do After Installing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRXbjLbepqc
Best Terminal Apps You Should Try ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajigN4nJ8eI
Install ubuntu 22.04 LTS on Any PC Step By Step ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYh3dlyEmdw
Dual Boot Ubuntu 22.04 LTS & Windows 11 ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKn5U2esuRk
How to Upgrade To Ubuntu 22.04 ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5MpPczeSm0
Ubuntu 22.04 Top Features, What’s New ? ↪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW5xWqMCMlg
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30 thoughts on “Ubuntu 22.04 LTS On MacBook Pro | Linux On Mac 2022

  • my thoughts running linux on a Mid 2011 Imac is awesome i upgraded my HDD to 250 GB Samsung EVO and up to 12 GB Ram im currently running Zorin OS that i shouldn't bought lol,but i was drunk at the time might as well use it anyways it runs smooth and great im stoned af have a great day

  • I have a 2017 macbook pro if you hooked up external speakers using headphone jack did sound work? Were you able to stream music/media via Bluetooth?? Can you make a video showing how to install ubuntu and get most of it up and running?

  • Nearly all old Macbooks can run Windows with Bootcamp. I would prefer Windows 10 instead of Linux, because everything works and is a lot easier to install and use.

  • LOL "in the last video, you guys asked me How did I manage to install Ubuntu 22.04 on a Mac?" …. we are still asking it in this video as well…. ROFL

  • Definitely worth installing linux on old macbooks, but i think linux mint xfce would be a better fit, it uses much less system resources so battery drain wont be an issue.
    It works great in my old asus vivobook

  • Hello. Please tell me how many charging cycles there are on your poppy and how many hours the battery lasts when using Linux ???

  • You ldlot why did your thumb nail says 2022 if you are using old intel MacBook. Just for few views..huh ?

  • Can I try this on a 2020 Intel I5 Macbook Air, or would it cause the mac to crash or worse?

  • Linux on Macbook Air 2017 INTEL Works great, no camera also, but I don't use that on laptops when I can just call people on my cell phone.

    Fedora 38 Beta Desktop
    Air 7,2

    Kernel: 6.2.9

    Camera – not working🤷
    Bluetooth – works
    WiFi- works with drivers

    Battery Life is affected but I still get more out of it than I would with a typical Windows machine. Roughly 6 to 7 hours.

  • You're just praising a notoriously underpowered, overpriced platform for half the video and gave no instructions or meaningful help, piss off

  • So if I install Linux on my "Late 2011" Mac book Pro I will not have sound?

  • I have a MacBook air 2015, it doesn't get updates anymore but i can say linux mint works well its just the camera that doesn't work but there is a github driver

  • I have been trying to install on MacBook 15 2018 but. ubuntu would not load from USB for instllation
    1 I gues osx is blocking the installation. I have llwed install from USB! Any suggestions?

  • at 0:38 what is the linux distribution with the japanese characters: あた

  • In mac, absence of insert key makes it difficult to copy paste linux commands.
    Can u pls tell which is the alternate key for it.

  • In my macbook pro 2011 bluetooth not working shows bluetooth adapters not detected. Tell me the solution please

  • Thanks for posting this, as fas as running apps that are made for Linux, does it work too? For example a Linux version of a VPN software from the provider?

  • “How did you install Linux on a MacBook Pro” still wondering this because your video gave no instruction. No guide. No nothing. A weird, boring, non-informational review about your own experience? Lame

  • Is Ubuntu 22.04 LTS UTM also compatible with MacBook Pro 14 m1? Thanks in advance

  • I have an MacBook Pro 2020 and it never worked when I tried to install Linux. Does anyone has experience with that or can recommend me an guide? The T2 Chip always makes problems and also the drivers.

  • I installed Mint on my Mac 2017 (touchbar) machine and facing issues with sound, microphone and web cam.
    How to get working it?

  • Definitely worth doing. I had to upgrade an old MacBook Pro that was long in the tooth. Mint Linux brought it back and useable for a few more years. Definitely worth doing.

  • Have you tried Linux Mint? There are several versions of it including a Debian based version.

  • Even with a new Mac, Linux will give you advantages over macOS.

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