Ubuntu 22.04 LTS – What You Need To Know!

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is the latest Long Term Support version of the popular Linux distro. Based on the Linux kernel 5.15, it will be supported for the next 5 years and comes with updated versions of GNOME, GCC , PHP, Go, Ruby, Python and more.

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20 thoughts on “Ubuntu 22.04 LTS – What You Need To Know!

  • I have intel core i3 2.10 GHz with 12 GB RAM. For my work I use VS Code android studio, UI and Back-end Framework and libraries. I would like to upgrade Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 LTS, Is it feasible to upgrade with such system specification?

  • I updated to 22.04 from 20.04 and the cheese camara app won't record videos. I get this error: unable to create a GL context. Any help will be appreciated . Thanks

  • I have upgraded from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04. It worked pretty well, but when I log in (with wayland or xorg) my background picture is not taking the full screen and on the top I have a search bar. I need to click on the reduced background pic so the background pic takes the whole screen. it wasn't like that on ubuntu 20.04. what do I have to disable so I don't have that reduced background with that search bar at the top when I have logged in?

  • I have it running on a PC (VM), on a Rasperry Pi, and a M1 Macbook Pro (Qemu). Works fine, I like it.

  • The OOM killer installed by default sucks. Too aggressive in killing applications.

  • It is good, really good. But in the last days I have discovered that gnome-shell on Ubuntu 22.04 is leaking like a sieve. After 5 days up time on my system it has leaked 33GB of ram. I rebooted five hours ago. At boot used 260 megs of ram. Now, five hours later, using 1.5GB. I have filed a bug report, others have done, not seen any feedback on if they even except it is there issue. The gnome project says it is the Ubuntu changes that is causing it.

  • it comes with even more unnecessary snap packages making it resource hungry and inflexible..

  • I upgraded from ubuntu 20 to ubuntu 22 and it's really awesome,, jellyfish experienced x4 faster than Ubuntu focal fossa,… Too smooth,, and UI and display is awesome <3, #dual boot system, running win10pro along ubuntu 22.. /// but still facing few problems, with python10, cuda installations, and web cam not working properly,,

  • The last 3 LTS that I've used have gotten progressively more impressive. It's not my main OS, so I have been updating with every release, but I think 22.04 will be what I rebuild my home cloud with. It just looks good. Also, touch functionality is much improved on my Surface Pro 2 with the standard build. Looking forward to trying on some newer hardware as well

  • Fedora 36 is my nirvana when it comes to Linux on my laptop.

  • I installed it in two laptops and it remained failed to configure Bluetooth device… speed is also slow

  • snap components inside apt, automatic updates, i hope they do not kill ubuntu.
    Weird Ubuntu store and not very trusty work with microsoft.

  • Why your name is Gary Simp? :/

  • 5年サポートあるのは良いなぁ

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