UBUNTU 23.10 (Mantic Minotaur) – Simply SuperB !!
The upcoming release of ubuntu 23.10 is getting new cosmetic changes and looks simply superb. Here, is the first look at ubuntu 23.10 beta, which is scheduled to be released in October. Check Out My website: https://kskroyal.com/
The official release of Ubuntu 23.10 is just around the corner, this video showcases Ubuntu 23.10 beta where I will show you the top features of the upcoming new Ubuntu. It’s important to note that Ubuntu 23.10 is a short-term release that will receive support for the next 9 months.
*Download NOW*
Ubuntu 23.10 Beta: https://releases.ubuntu.com/mantic/
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The default install makes my screen brightness unchangeable. What could be the problem 😢
Edit: I also tried extended installation and enabled third party update and still not working
FYI: you don't need a swap (virtual memory) partition if your ram > 10gb
I have 20gb and I made swap for no reason, took time to realize that
Dentro de poco podre actualizar
Is it GTK-4 based??
Anybody knows how good is the ui scaling in ununtu 23.10 with 3200*2000 vs 2560*1600 screen on 16" monitor?
I updated to latest one, but the wifi option says "wifi adapter not found" and not turning on, either it doesnt show any additional drivers updates, i tried all the terminal method like literally please help
Great video! I want to try this ubuntu release, any idea what version of the mesa driver it installs for the amd graphics card?
Yes. Nouveau driver and Gnome 45 are so fluent, I can say Good riddance NVIDIA proprietary.
The dist-upgrade from 23.04 to 23.10 crashed at the end before cleanup, which I managed to do manually. I had the option of a clean new install. One strange little bug: the top bar menu does not follow the chosen theme: it's stubbornly orange.
why they didn't add split window just on MS?
see these other comments with installation problems that is why these linux developers need to make it easier to install and compatible with all hardware
Nice video man
Ksk ,
Do you like snaps ?
What's your opinion on them ?
I hate that snapd
is there any way i can get ginome 43 quick settings menu look in my ubuntu 22.04 LTS, it looks pretty gorgeous
I dual booted Ubuntu after first restart it says press ctrl + c to cancel all filesystem check in progress and then black screen and multiple commands like usb port found etc are coming…… I reinstall the Ubuntu but same problem how can I contact you? Please solve the problem…….
I have been using 22.04 for last 2 years for development purposes do you recommend moving to 23.10