Ubuntu Core Desktop (Based Entirely On Snaps)
A few weeks ago, it was announced that Ubuntu would be offering a new all-Snap, immutable desktop edition by next year. You can test some very early images of Ubuntu Core Desktop in a virtual machine if you want to get a very alpha-quality look…
► https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-core-desktop
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Your support is very much appreciated. Thanks, guys!
If that shit ever gets near my pc, then im gonna kill it with fire (and arch)
Hey DT! Love the video. You do great content, and we all appreciate it! I personally enjoyed the look at immutable linux distros. I'm trying to do the same on my Arch home system. If you were to make an immutable distro, how would you do it? Would you consider doing a video covering an install and config of an immutable arch system? Because I for one would love to see that.
damn your internet speed is insane, it takes me over 10 minutes to download 1GB!!
No way to install other desktops, no way to install other apps, no way to enter terminal commands, no customization, slower, more spyware…. basically windows.
FreeBSD have been doing this with Jail for years …
discussing immutable distros, i ran into this distro called BLEND OS thats arch based and i guess uses docker and similar tools to containerise apps. its supposed to be a hardcore immutable distro. i opened its settings and got an option to create some containers. within each container i get the terminal that allows me to install anything. whatever is installed, shows up on the distro apps menu like as if its locally installed. i was just wondering if its possible to use this docker tool on a clean debian or arch installation to create containers and run apps on them as as to secure the whole system from any damage caused by installing and uninstalling stuff. this stuff has got me curious. just a request, to make a video on docker or also blend os and its internal functionality if thats not a problem. thanks for all the amazing videos.
Looks like you get the full snap experience from this distro XD
It is really interesting and i vote for it. People just seem to hate it without taking in consideration all the factors that a standard ext4 or btrfs installation is very EASY to break and corrupt.
Specially with a terminal
I hope canonical will make a simple and easy backup and snapshot system with this release of ubuntu core snap version
Btw immutablility only is a thing on the root dir so and you have full control on the home folder
Good words but your compressor is distracting.
Im good
i did some googling snapd is open source so the snap backend is open source the server snapd calls to is closed source
a lot of people are angry here but don't forget this is a server os like debian & bsd you can run is as your main pc but it is still a server os
Oh yeah,l love snap
Not impressed with the alpha version. I don't like snaps. I loved Ubuntu when I was new to Linux but I see no reason to use it now. Debian, Arch are my go tos. Fedora is good but I feel resentful towards red hat. I know they need to live but I can't help but feel like they betrayed the open source movement.
Might actually use Ubuntu Touch if they integrated the Core Desktops immutability.
Hey, DT!
Your flower wallpaper has a bug! Lol)
People actually move away from Ubuntu becos of snaps. So this will seal it.
Hurray for immutability becoming the norm
Nixos nixos nixos
Hey DT, would you be interested in trying or reviewing Easy OS.
I am about to try it and I wonder what your opinion would be.
It’s a bit ironic that Linux distros are finally warming up to something that FreeBSD has been successfully doing for decades. A stable base and rolling release applications.
I am glad that more distros are experimenting with different ideas for package and config management. It’s long overdue. But I question Canonical’s decision to use Snap when the rest of the Linux ecosystem has standardized on Flatpak and Appimage.
Sounds like living in hell. To each their own.