OPERATING SYSTEMSOS Linux Ubuntu Is Humanity December 29, 2023 My submission for the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase source ubuntu
@Burningplasma @narotu200 @loquevemos @arbolitoes @pczaban @giorgio130 @pixelr0 Thanks for all of the kind comments 🙂
Oh really? I filmed it like that on purpose, to give it more 'feeling', not just an ordinary slideshow. Thanks for you comment 🙂
This reminds me of the good old days when Ubuntu wasn't the dumpster fire it is now
Hey all, hope you are well. Do any of you know the name of the background music?
Waiting for turbudubuntu is life
Edubuntu is humanity too
Id you really made it. If so wow! Cuz it's on every ubuntu!
UBUNTU é o futuro dos usuarios!!
@Burningplasma @narotu200 @loquevemos @arbolitoes @pczaban @giorgio130 @pixelr0 Thanks for all of the kind comments 🙂
Oh really? I filmed it like that on purpose, to give it more 'feeling', not just an ordinary slideshow. Thanks for you comment 🙂