Ubuntu Linux Themes
Check out my new Linux channel: http://bit.ly/linux-nixie Want a cool theme for ubuntu? This tutorial shows you howto install themes on your linux (gnome) desktop, whether you want the Windows XP look or just wanting to download something unique. For a text guide: http://www.linuxhaxor.net Fight for the users in our Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/CKYwgxA
revisiting just to see my favorite youtuber once again. those were the days.
I watched that clip when I was in school, gosh those excellent learning days! Thanks, Nixie for the great content.
Now this is a vid I've not seen in a long time….a long time.
After 12 years
So THAT'S where and how to get some potentially interesting onto one's Linux rig. Thank you, Nixie!
Your new videos are much better where there is more of brain show rather than skin show.
Wow, I remember I watch this vid when I was 17! I'm 28 now… I miss those days lol
absolutely beautiful
Hello Nixie , I am from India & watch all your videos . I find them very informative for any new Linux user
. I am a new comer or user in Linux and using Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon edition recently . I have a
VSign Digital Signature epass2003Auto DSC which I use for EPFO related works in India which works in
Windows Based System . But I don't have windows machine. I have laptop loaded with Linux Mint 19.2
version. Please explain how to install and use DSC in EPFO site in Linux Mint. Please Explain
Clearly as how can I run or Install Windows programs in Linux Mint using PlayonLinux or Wine Latest
step by step in Linux Mint 19.2 . I have tried once to install Playon linux and Wine but got errors
. Please help to install Latest version of Wine or PlayonLinux in Linux Mint19.2 ……………
I hope 4 the next linux have many software to flash any kind of android…not only use terminal…
What is the name of effect on https://youtu.be/gl-tmGfQrzs?t=92 ? When you open your Descropt – file browser, it's really cool, but I don't see such effect in my compiz.
You make Linux sound so sexy! Came across ur tutorials looking 4 answers, and found 'em! Never a dull moment in your vids, with your patience, clarity and mesmerizing voice, not to mention your good looks! I came late I know, you've been doing these for so long! It's really up to you if you decide to come back. I wish you did. if not, it's OK, your legacy goes on!
What can i say ? Just Simple ,easy and good +Like
Thank you for introducing me to SlicknesS-black.
probably a dumb question, but do themes also include those interesting visual effects? like, that sort of smoke-poof your windows were giving off?
No idea why youtube thought I might be interested in this but ok. Thanks googletube.
Very serious tits!
RIP Nixie.
u r sexyy
hey does anyone know how to install ubuntu 14.04 over ubuntu 17
or install ubuntu 14.04 from external HDD (& not to external HDD )where i dont want my data to be harmed
I have windows7
beatiful theme. lady sexy.
well that was a sexual education
Is this the Tinder theme for Linux?
We all know why we came here.
Obviously she only wanted a massive number of views, so she took the easy way out formula of showing lots of cleavage and a 3 minute video, who cares what it's about, right linux chic?
very useful and very sexy 🙂
what the split..😳😳😳😳
seriously, if this was someone else without boobs.. these shows would have been a flop! lol
Ubuntu Linux boobs
Cleavage brought me here. Heheh. Don't even have linux.
2:46 that was incredibly hot
what work does a arts student have here???
@Nixie which screen recorder are you using?
I think everyone wants more……..
ive come here for tits