Ubuntu MATE 22.04: Best Exciting Features That Will Fascinate You

Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS comes with a huge bang, bringing with it the brand new MATE 1.26 DE. Ubuntu MATE 22.04 comes with 5 years of promised updates, security updates, kernel patches, HWE Stack and a lot more.

One of the most stable Linux Operating Systems ever to exist, Ubuntu MATE is a solid community offering, and is one of the better flavors of Ubuntu IMO.

Check it out at the link below:

Check out my video on Ubuntu 22.04 Gnome Edition:


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LOVE U 2 DEATH by Jonathan & Friends, Loote, emma løv

Morning Routine by Ghostrifter Official | https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-official
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/
Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Bliss by Luke Bergs | https://soundcloud.com/bergscloud/
Creative Commons – Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/

Mouse click sound and Bronzebell sound licensed under Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)

Whoosh sound provided by Fesliyanstudios (https://www.fesliyanstudios.com)Subscribe and Notification animation provided by Mixkit (https://mixkit.co/)


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28 thoughts on “Ubuntu MATE 22.04: Best Exciting Features That Will Fascinate You


    Point #1: Software Boutique is NOT a software center.

    You can one-click install vanilla Gnome Software Center from Software Boutique, and use it to install flatpaks, debs, or snaps. In that case, you don't need to use the terminal to install flatpaks but you need to add flathub remote from the terminal.

    Point #2: I've been experiencing screen blinking issues. Changing window manager didn't help. If you guys know anything about this, please mention it in the comments.

  • Does anyone have Lutris crashes in UM ? When Lutris is going down, it takes desktop environment with it… Every windows game does that via Lutris.

  • Hi! Please i need help. I have been on Ubuntu-mate 22-04 for some months now. But it always trips off by itself whenever I want to enter some sites or install an app, or do some things important. This is really affecting my work. What should I do, please?

  • Canonical doesn't enable global menu support for Firefox for any target higher than 18.04 (bionic). If you want global menu support for Firefox, you install the 18.04 build of FIrefox (at the same time, you ditch that f* snap package and add a PPA to your system)

  • Intel Pentium dual core 3 ghz processor (2010 model)
    6 gb ram
    Ubuntu mate 22.04 run smoothly?

  • Works great on Hp Compaq laptop, ❀When I install on desktop computer with nvinida graphic it freezes up all time ? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜’

  • Currently running Ubuntu MATE 22.04 on an HP Pavilion with a Pentium E2220 and 8GB of RAM.

    Idle RAM usage went from 20% to 15% after upgrading from 4GB RAM, and from 15% to 10% after upgrading from 20.04.

    Have yet to install a Q9550 and a boot SSD to better handle web browsing and other everyday tasks, and a GTX 970 (commonly paired with a Q9550) and a distro swap to handle some games at 1080p. Wish me luck!

  • Great video on Ubuntu Mate. Short, sweet, and to the point. New users of Linux would not be overwhelmed by this. 'Caja' is the Spanish word for box. Pronounced 'Kah-Hah'. Again, great video πŸ™‚


  • Thanks for the review. You've explained everything nicely.
    Liked and subscribed

  • Excellent!! Thanks for talking to us and speaking English. Thank yew!!

  • Good walkthrough but not showing what is new on this release. All thats desktop config were there before. It's good for new people only

  • love mate. been using it since the previous LTS came out. thanks for the tip on flatpaks. might try them – hope they don't suck like snaps do.

  • Hi, if I chose Pantheon, I am able to auto hide top panel, make it transparent. But in cupertino the panel properties option itself is not accessible. But I used to get transparent panel and autohiding feature in cupertino if I change the properties in pantheon and changing to cupertino, but this method is no longer working, any help?

  • Superb video πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ’žπŸ’ž

  • I like the default MATE look, but I don't like the fact they provide too many customization options in the MATE Tweak. All those tweaks imply they had to preinstall additional packages, like a dock or other window managers, which I will likely never use after I configure everything after the install. Sure, I can uninstall those, but I am not entirely sure if I can uninstall them all, I don't even know package names. I am not even sure if uninstalling those packages I don't need will break the system or MATE Tweak tool. I would prefer this to be set up during the installation, and maybe if they added a guide on how to change the look later on in the help center.

  • How do I change from 12 hour format to 24 hour format? There use to be a slider switch in time and date manager, but it's not there anymore.

  • Bluetooth not working & intermitent internet connection after full updates on Asus x555LD. So sad, it was really nice. πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯

  • I am liking this more and more and I am not seeing the screen tearing on Intel laptops and desktops which is a welcome change.

  • πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  • I've never been the biggest mate fan, but I kind of like the presentation here. It's minimal but it's not… ugly? well, you know what I mean.

  • bro if you like Unity DE, as do i, you need to use the Mutiny selection in the MATE Tweak, which also includes the HUD, which is a shame that you didn't cover it in this video as the HUD is an amazing feature and it is the ONLY DE or even flavor or distro which is using a HUD, i have used MATE on other distros and there was no HUD πŸ™ no idea why though.

    still, Unity DE is still the greatest DE that has ever existed, for any OS

  • Software boutique doesn't have all the software, then what is it for? I was searching for TeX-maker, and it is not there. How can I install it now?

  • Please, no Background Music – it is awful to watch and very distractive.

  • Thank you for the video. I never cared for the MATE desktop environment, but this is making me reconsider my position. Great Video!

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