31 thoughts on “Ubuntu Phone OS

  • You do know apple filed a lawsuit against Samsung, I think for universal search, right? Who says they wouldn't do the same here if ubuntu phone becomes a threat to iphone?

  • android does have a widget to show suggested apps/movies, etc;.

  • Windows RT, WP8 and Win8 is not the same. WinRT and Win8 may look same but beneath the UI, they are very different.

  • Not to forget that canonical is focusing on bringing the full OS to the mobile. Dock the phone and the OS behaves like a full desktop OS. From there all you need is to connect a wireless keyboard and mouse. Its like a portable computer which you can carry anywhere. MS can't never come up with something so brilliant.

  • lol wow not even the pro can navigate or describe his own phone well XD faaaiiiiilllll

  • Aww, can somebody not figure out how to work linux? Awww.. b: Oh well!

  • If you have no interest in Ubuntu or Linux, why are you going around looking for linux videos?

  • This looks pretty cool. It's certainly quite unique and it looks like they have nothing but the best intentions in mind with where they are planning to take it. Good luck Ubuntu, I would really like like to it succeed!

  • not really diggin the whole background color

  • Ur andriod, mines runs sweet as hell and is nice. apple is in dead last now if you ask me with their outdated nonsense, windows step up the game alot.

  • Or even sony, just take the xperia z & zl and sell versions of them with ubuntu phone preloaded instead of android

  • N0. Nokia suxx. Samsung, Google, Lg and Apple are the "TOP"

  • I'm hoping it was there just for the CES showroom as a way to get more advertising out.

  • Nokia is the TOP but with their windows phones they suck

  • i am DO NOT WANT TO get an nexus.
    I am owner of Xperia with 1 Ghz.

  • Yeah available for download but only on the Google nexus. No other phones are being mentioned at the moment.

  • They're using a galaxy nexus for demonstration 🙂

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