Ubuntu RePySetup for Cyber Fellows HD 1080p

https://www.parallels.com/landingpage/pd/education/ and I was told on the network call there is free vmware available for students at NYU. You can pick either options.
1. Install vanila ubuntu version (note, use arm64 and not amd64) [I used jammy-desktop-arm64.iso]

2. Update the os using standard ubuntu apt commands
3. Python3 comes default, you can test by running “python3 –version”

4. Make sure you have git installed [It comes by default, just check]

5. Follow the instruction here to setup RePy https://github.com/paoga87/r2py-assignment-docs/blob/master/Contributing/BuildInstructions.md#prerequisites

Just follow the “Building RepyV2” section, don’t download already built it won’t work. You can create your own target folder or go with default “RUNNABLE”. I stuck to default

git clone https://github.com/kcg295/repy_v2 1

cd repy_v2/

cd scripts/

python3 initialize.py

python3 build.py


