Ubuntu Server Install UnRAID
First video after a long break. In this video I simply setup an Ubuntu Server install on an instance of UnRAID. I also ask for some feedback on what you guys want to see because I’m just now getting back into making videos.
heres one idea how to Install amp on unraid
I'm so glad that I watched other videos to figure out this manjaro install.
There are NO Unraid Manjaro installs. But trying to piece things together from videos, it'd have been awesome if you'd warned viewers that you're on windows and that if they are on native unraid that they should NOT use VIRTIO. Whew…
Not a diss, i'm sure that you forgot in earnest, but that could've jacked me (and probably others up). All of that stated, I hope that you are well. And, please consider making a Manjaro install video into a VM on Unraid (natively). Thanks & take care. 🙂
Not bad for beginners but how do i map a unraid share into the vm?
Too basic, skipped all details on the VM template page.
Hey Toasty, Got one for you. I'm new to Unraid. Got ubuntu isntalled, but what about CoreOS, or installing some of the docker swarm/kubernetes setups.
Hey if you could show how to get mopidy and snapcast working on unraid that would be awesome. I was trying to do it through docker, but I am thinking I will probably have to follow your tutorial to get VM up and running and install it on that. there seems to be a lot more resources about that
Nice mic
Hey man thanks for the video … i got the VM up and running but and i can see the server on the network in windows however i cant seem to view any files … is there anything i am missing???
install ownCloud on unRaid
BTW, re drop down of iso share, you have to enable "export" on the user shares… if using windows, enable export under the SMB share portion of that page.
Dude, I just installed unRaid on my new "TrunkServer" (made out of an old shipping trunk) and using it as a NAS. Been trying to understand how to install an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server on the darned thing and documentation is rather spare. Thanks for the video.