Ubuntu Server is Perfect for a Minimal "Window Manager" Installation

I often get asked about installing standalone window managers on Ubuntu. What’s the best way to go about this? Well, the method that I have used in the past is installing Ubuntu Server, and then installing a window manager and needed utilities on top of that.

► https://ubuntu.com/

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20 thoughts on “Ubuntu Server is Perfect for a Minimal "Window Manager" Installation

  • my server keeps say unable to locate package, it is doing for most packages

  • It's somewhat like installing a desktop on OpenBSD even though some might question of one "should do" that. That other example has a tendency to be for deciduous use cases rather than "daily driver proper". Sometimes people test these things and say (on some article) "I used OpenBSD with a desktop as my daily driver for a month" but really, that is a deciduous use case scenario taking a specific and casting it as a general. These milkteeth desktops and shells are a hackish thing to do and not with out its use cases usually for trying something out for a server with the intention of undoing it all and going back to a headless server after te fact once whatever has been learned invented solved or discovered has come to light, reverting the server back to its evergreen status.
    Akin to adding a window manager, this milktoothing of server shells and desktops is a cultural tinkerer thing that comes from the PC Master Race gamers. Sure, people like to buy a whole desktop solution as gaming box, but they also like to tinker and build their own PC (and I'm talking Microsoft Window primarily here) or at the very least, buy a prebuild and then customise it wih a different PC or perhaps a different sound card solution or other expansion card. When people say Microsoft Windows is held up by gaming, that is actually an anti-console-peasant and pro-PC-Master-Race culture because it comes form tinkerers either making a PC from scratch or customising a pre-build. It isn't that Microsoft don't have gaming, because of course they do with XBox. Still though even then don't be surprised if somebody has both a PC and an XBox in their house (e.g. family members) across which they use the XBox Pass.
    The pre-builds are worth it in terms of compared pricing. Nonetheless though, unless they're planning to shift it on the used market, a person who buys a system (maybe an Alienware) knows fine that the moment the warranty expires on that thing, they're going to pop the hood and stick a different GPU in it or whatever, and it is those guys who then consider Linux and then they start milktoothing a server OS wih shells and stacks (like a Bluetooth gaming headset and controllers or whatnot) to acroprop up a desktop environment, even though you're really meant to do that. It makes DDR5 registered RAM unlocking an interesting niche use case.
    The attractino of Ubuntu is buying a small suite of PCs on a bunch of PCs so that you get linux na don't need to tinker with one thing and so you can then tinker with that one other thing instead you got Linux for. Coolvideo btw.
    My comment has no hate in it and I do no harm. I am not appalled or afraid, boasting or envying or complaining… Just saying. Psalms23: Giving thanks and praise to the Lord and peace and love. Also, I'd say Matthew6.

  • No shade, but the ending comments of the video after the credits roll are almost always the best part of the video

  • Question. What program do you use to record videos using Linux. Also what program do you use for editing? I current use a Mac for mine but would love to move to Linux.

  • Great video.I’ve been wanting to put a minimal desktop on my web server. To get a file manager. What would you suggest for a production server? About10 years ago I thought of replacing my every day computer system for work with a Linux distro at the time there were several programs I use I could find good alternatives to what I use on my Mac-mini. What programs do you suggest for Desktop publishing, text styling I use Art text on the Mac to give you what I’m referring to? Any ideas appreciated. Great YouTube channel!

  • How do I install Lumina desktop? I've always love the Lumina Desktop ever since I use it during the time I tested PCBSD since 2018 to 2019

  • I am trying a minimal install of both Fluxbox and ICeWM and in both, my Logitech keyboard and mouse have stopped working. In both, I can see the seconds on the panel's clock ticking away – so I don't think the WM is to blame. What package am I missing? I know there is a package just for Logitech, but I've never needed in Linux and have used many, many distros and VMs. I think this is minimal install related.

  • Those dev dependencies are generally dont come with regular desktop install either. They are *-dev packages containing headers file which are used by the program we are compiling from source. 🙂

  • Thank you. Ubuntu Server LTS is definitely my #1 choice now.

  • I did the same quite some time ago with Fedora server. No issues at all.

  • Just expected you to show the resources used by the system. In any case, thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  • From what I experienced debian is better performing than ubuntu. Speed, cpu, ram usage. Other than some not crucially important updates and ppas I see no reason not to go full minimal debian. When I recently installed it everything is running like forest gump, and I can run basically everything, maybe without the newest kvantum(but it is still available).
    If you wanna a minimal distro to build your gui from the bottom up, why not debian? Because I can objectively measure the benefits in hundreds of megabytes…
    Or am I missing something?

  • Thanks a lot, it's awesome to have GUI on my ubuntu server! I am pretty new to Linux and ubuntu, followed the steps and got it working.
    Is there any way to quit the window manager and back to command line please? A shortcut maybe?

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