Ubuntu Soap Making Video
Ubuntu is an African philosophy which means, “I am because of who we all are.” We’re all interconnected and without your existence, I don’t exist. This soap bar pays tribute to that philosophy, and I thank everyone involved in this process, the warehouse workers, the growers, the UPS driver, the cashier, and moat importantly, you…the YouTube viewer watching this video! You all had a hand into making this happen for me. I am grateful for you all 🙏
I hope you enjoy this video of me showcasing my layering technique. It’s a whole lot better than my previous attempt…practice makes perfect 🥰
If you’re interested in purchasing this bar, and many others, visit our website at www.kaliscreations.com 💚
Follow us on Instagram @kalis_creations_soap
and on Facebook @kaliscreations
* for entertainment purposes only
#naturalsoap #lofi #juneteenth