Ubuntu’s New Desktop Installer 🆕 | Written In Google’s Flutter SDK ⚒️ | Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri)🦛

In This Video We Are Discussing About The wait if finally over, and Ubuntu’s new graphical installer for the desktop is now available for public testing. The installer is written in Google’s Flutter software development kit (SDK) and promises a more modern installation experience.

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Ubuntu’s New Desktop Installer 🆕 | Written In Google’s Flutter SDK ⚒️ | Ubuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri)🦛

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As a rabid distro-hopper with a ton of machines and bottomless curiosity, I’m 95-percent positive I’m way more critical of installers than most people. But the installer also happens to be a person’s first taste of a Linux distro.

It needs to be effective and intuitive. It needs to make a great impression.

16 years after debuting on Ubuntu (and later becoming the installer for dozens — if not hundreds — of additional distros), Ubiquity has certainly proven its worth. It does its job and does it consistently well.

But Canonical believes it’s finally time to freshen things up with a refreshed Ubuntu Desktop installer.

“The current Ubuntu Desktop installer, Ubiquity, dates back to 2006,” writes Martin Wimpress, Director Of Engineering, Ubuntu Desktop at Canonical. “While still functional, Ubiquity hasn’t seen significant feature development for some years and due to its legacy is becoming cumbersome to maintain.”

This will also allow Canonical to present a more cohesive install experience across both Server and Desktop products.

Wimpress, together with the Ubuntu Desktop and Canonical Design Teams plan to completely revamp the installer in 2021, but core work has already begun.

They’re targeting a preliminary release for Ubuntu 21.10 this October, with the ultimate goal of fully transitioning over for the next LTS (Long-Term Support) release in April 2022.

Canonical’s recent collaboration with the Flutter team at Google will yield rewards here, as the company will incorporate that work to design the frontend of the brand new installer.

Creating a new desktop installer gives us the opportunity to revisit what features are most desirable to our community and enterprise customers,” Wimpress says. “We have scoped the initial functional requirements, but welcome your feedback and contributions for the capabilities most important to you, your flavor, derivative, or organization.”

Get Involved

If you’re a developer and want to contribute, here are links to the new desktop installer and associated technologies:

Ubuntu Desktop Installer 115
Curtin 101 — the curt installer is a “fast path” installer designed to install Ubuntu quickly.
Curtin documentation 8
Subquity 71 — Ubuntu Server Installer & Snappy first boot experience

#ubuntu #newinstaller #impishindri #ubuntuinstaller #softwaredevelopmentkit

Todays Video – Ubuntu’s New Desktop Installer Is Now Available for Public Testing, Here’s How to Test It!



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