Ultramarine Linux: The ULTIMATE Fedora Evolution That You Need To Try! (Fedora Twin)

Get My Course Linux Mastery Express: https://linuxtex.thinkific.com/ Download Ultramarine 39: https://ultramarine-linux.org/ In this …


by Linux Tex

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16 thoughts on “Ultramarine Linux: The ULTIMATE Fedora Evolution That You Need To Try! (Fedora Twin)

  • Where did you get v39?
    Their website says download latest is v38.

  • It's been a while since I've used fedora – is it still so that each time you run a dnf-command it downloads about half a gigabyte to update its repository database?

  • It is a cool distro but for me, Linux Mint remains the king of all distros 😀

  • im trying to convince my dad to try linux but i cant decide which he would find easiest, leaning towards fedora because of how clean everything is, simple. but i wonder if zorin would be better, because it has more features, everything setup up out of the box too, i dont really want to fiddle installing codecs or anything, i just want everything to work. he has an 8 year old macbook. i have to impress him more than Mac OS. any thoughts from anyone, welcome. thanks for another great video ! i considered mint but i think it's a bit too old feeling still somehow. ubuntu feels bloated but it has LTS at least. ubuntu mate is pretty cool but it can break or glitch graphically.

  • That's why Linux never Shines, they release new OS like Chinese Phones.

  • Thank you 🎉 for such a informative video.

    Agreed with you on the fact that, no matter how best is this distro, FEDORA has an edge over it.

    Can you please review Alma & Rockey linux in future please? (How much ever I try, your review makes sense for me😂)

  • now, we just need HDR on linux without any workarounds. That would be super great.

  • This is a solid and very polished distro… I used this for 3 straight months on my 2 main computers..

  • Too many distros have destroyed the Linux and it's a bitter truth !! Instead of working on thousand of craps , most the devs should have worked on 4 to 5 distros, if it was done then today we would have an actual windows alternative.

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