Un|Cut: How to set up a NAT gateway on Hetzner Cloud

In this video you will learn how to set up a custom NAT gateway on the German cloud provider Hetzner.

Sources used to create this video:
– https://community.hetzner.com/tutorials/how-to-set-up-nat-for-cloud-networks/

00:00 Create Hetzner cloud network
00:17 Create Hetzner NAT gateway server
00:40 Add default route to Hetzner cloud network
01:00 Create Hetzner client server
01:24 Connect to servers using SSH
01:46 Check default network configuration
02:32 Remove hc-utils to let NetworkManager manage enp7s0
03:33 Configure NetworkManager to manage enp7s0
05:56 Set up NAT gateway on Linux using iptables
07:05 Verify private/public connectivity using ping (test 1)
07:51 Reboot to enable changes on NAT gateway
08:10 Verify network configuration after reboot
08:47 Verify private/public connectivity using ping (test 2)
09:08 Configure name server (DNS) on the client
10:26 Reboot to ensure all configuration is persistent
10:41 Verify private/public connectivity using ping (test 3)
11:01 Automate NAT gateway and client setup using cloud-init


by heidbrink(dot)dev

linux dns server