Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Understanding Vulnerabilities in IPv6

In this session, we will explore vulnerabilities and attacks that are possible due to how IPv6 functions. We will then cover how those are either automatically being addressed, or how to manually protect your devices.

After attending this session, you will be able to understand vulnerabilities in the IPv6 protocol, and how to address them.




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

One thought on “Understanding Vulnerabilities in IPv6

  • So the company I work for the SecOps team requested I block/disable IPv6 for all Windows 10 and 11 devices.
    But now we have devices that require it, ugh. How can I explain this to them that there's less threat if the firewall blocks attacks from external and internal?

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