Uninstalling Pro Tools SE® – Windows 7 – Troubleshooting

This video shows you how to completely uninstall Pro Tools SE from your Windows 7 computer. This procedure should be done as a last resort when troubleshooting a problematic system. The uninstall will require the original Installation DVD that came with your Pro Tools SE system. The video also covers removing the Audio Driver, as well as removing any Interlok software which is an optional step if it applies.

It is IMPORTANT that once your Audio Interface has been unplugged, and Pro Tools SE, and the Audio Driver have been uninstalled, that your DO NOT Connect the Audio Interface to the Computer. If you do, Windows 7 will install it’s own “WINDOWS COMPLIANT DRIVER”. This is not a disaster by any means, replacing the Windows driver, with the AVID Driver should not be difficult. However, it could be, Windows is like that. Air on the side of caution! Re-install Pro Tools SE following the instructions for the Installation, and the Driver Installation. Then, and only then, should your Audio Interface be connected to the computer. ☺ Happy recording.

Please watch in 720P for best picture and sound quality.


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