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Unix vs Linux | Difference Between Linux and Unix | Intellipaat

🔥Intellipaat Linux Course:
In this video on Unix vs Linux you will understand about the top operating systems used in the IT industry, and which one should you use for better performance. So in this Linux vs Unix comparison some important parameters have been taken into consideration to tell you the difference between Unix and Linux and also which one is preferred over the other in certain aspects in detail.
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📝Following topics are covered in this Linux vs Unix comparison tutorial:
01:30 – Introduction to Unix
02:50 – Introduction to Linux
04:15 – Characteristics of Unix OS
04:45 – Characteristics of Linix OS
05:26 – Unix vs Linux
09:25 – Limitations of Unix
10:10 – Limitations of Linix
10:45 – Which one to choose? Unix or Linux?
12:10 – Quiz

📰Interested to learn Linux still more? Please check similar Linux certification blog here:

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What do you think which one of them is better among Unix vs Linux according to you? Tell us in the comment section below.
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Why Unix is important

Unix is indispensable. From simple command line applications to connecting and talking to servers, Unix made possible which GUI based other operating systems could not do. Unix is there in all sort of applications and systems be it Android, iOS, PlayStation etc.

Why Linux is important

Linux is a tried-and-true, open-source operating system released in 1991 for computers, but its use has expanded to underpin systems for cars, phones, web servers and, more recently, networking gear.
Its longevity, maturity and security make it one of the most trusted OSes available today, meaning it is ideal for commercial network devices as well as enterprises that want to use it and its peripherals to customize their own network and data center infrastructure.

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