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Uploading Files With FileZilla For Mac – The FREE FTP Solution

In this video, we will show you how to upload files to the server using FileZilla for Mac OS. Still, if you have problems connecting with FileZilla, don’t hesitate to contact our support team at

You can download the free version of FileZilla at the official website


by ICDSoft

linux ftp server

4 thoughts on “Uploading Files With FileZilla For Mac – The FREE FTP Solution

  • Hello, thank you for the video. I just got a Mac m2 and I want to install FileZilla, I am not a very techsavy person but I'm trying to create my own website and learn how to do it, I found a download link for FileZilla on google for intel so I wanted to ask if it is okay to download that one on the m2? Im sorry if its a silly question :> Cheers!

  • I think you should go a little faster. Extremely useless tutorial unless you want to go back and forth and try to catch what you are saying. Plus you assume evrybody can follow along. Not! That's why its supposed to be an instructional video. Terrible!

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