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Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Discovery 5.10 – Life, Itself (SERIES FINALE)

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40 thoughts on “Ups & Downs From Star Trek: Discovery 5.10 – Life, Itself (SERIES FINALE)

  • 39 Ups for this dreary mess!?! Paramount + is definitely sponsoring this channel, it's the only explanation 😂

  • I feel bad when i accidentally leave my computer on. They abandon zora 1000 years early to wait for craft instead of asking her to leave days before? Had to make her lonely, depressed and desperate…

  • The portal/Progenitor tech ending up in the event horizon of a black hole seems reminiscent of the Andromeda Ascendant. It would have been cool if some of those lobby windows had led to the worlds of the System that would have been a worthy Easter egg. In the same vain, I always felt that Zora should have been given her own avatar ala. Rommie…I feel that would have made her 1000 year abandonment/ isolation , at least, a little more bearable for her. Had the writers shown the insight to include such an avatar in the Calypso short, not only would the connect to this finale feel more immediate, but we would have been left with an an incredible character to both, play off of Craft and build a future Trek story around in the 42nd century…a version of Zora could have escaped her isolation to experience the adventures of that period, while the original Zora AI could have kept to her final orders and 'maintained position' aboard Discovery….Craft & Zora engaging the V'draysh, while trying to make their way to Alcor IV…Damn, I'd watch that series!!…such a missed opportunity leaves me bewildered and disappointed beyond words.

  • I felt nothing when this season ended. Honestly they washed over so many characters on the show…Christ I can’t name more than 4-5 character names in the whole series, Spock and other legacy characters aside. They shoehorned a bs fetch quest of a season and tried to evoke emotions that weren’t earned. Maybe one or two characters but overall no. Any time the stakes were down or die and the clock is ticking very aggressively, that’s when they decided to fucking have a heart to heart, slowing down the pace of the episode to almost a crawl and then of course everything worked out which takes the viewer out completely. Jesus this season was bland and lazy writing. Then to add insult to injury they take a legacy episode and do nothing with it. Passing the buck on the origin of this whole thing. Fucking lame. And this last criticism is their blatant pandering. They have wonderful LGBTQ characters that they keep mostly together rather than switch it up more and show actual inclusion. It was a disservice to potentially wonderful characters. They also should never have revealed what the Breen look like. I loved the fact that no one knew what they look like making them that much more intimidating. This was the lazy cherry on top of the saddest Sunday ever

  • Goodbye, FOREVER,
    those ridiculous
    WWE Bridge flamethrowers.

  • "the entire vaccuum of space"
    No. The atmospheric pressure difference between the inside of a spaceship/space station built for humans and a vaccum is merely one atmosphere/1 bar. The wind speed difference between the air molecules in a cargo bay rapidly scattering into vast deep space outside and a hurricane inside a planetary atmosphere is gigantic.

    Too many (bad) Science Fiction movie writers are in love with the "character is inexorably sucked out into space (even through tiny holes)" trope, along with the even dumber "human bodies in a vaccuum explode" nonsense. Apart from the air being blown out into space if there is a hull breach, not sucked out, human bodies (skin, cell membranes) are quite resilient. Ask NASA and people who had body parts exposed to a (near) vacuum in low orbit.
    While there is some tissue swelling, you don't get "the bends" (nitrogen narcosis, embolism) like a deep diver coming up too fast, because the pressure difference of 1 atm/1 bar/14.7 psi is far less than the pressure difference that deep divers experience when coming back up to sea level: At 60m depth underwater on Earth the human body experiences 6 atm of pressure or 6 bar/88ps. Scuba divers already need decompression stops at depth of mere 40m, while the world record for free-diving is around 130m. (Water is around 830 times denser than air. In saltwater = +1 bar of pressure every 10 mt/33 ft. In freshwater = +1 bar of pressure every 10.3 mt/34 ft. Because we need to take into account the one atmosphere at the surface, at 10 mt/ 33 ft, the pressure is 2 atmospheres. At 20 mt/ 66 ft, it is 3 atm and so on.)

    So if you are in space without a space suit, you die from suffocation. You don't explode. You don't instantly freeze solid, as vaccuum is an insulator and the only way the human body can lose heat is via IR radiation.

  • As soon as I heard the words "Agent Daniels" come out of his mouth, my eyeballs popped about a foot out of my head, I never saw it coming in a million years. And I instantly knew it was going to be the dilithium up.
    Also, no up or mention for the name Leto being a clear callout to Dune? I get that it's blatantly obvious but I thought somebody would have mentioned it.

  • Missed an up for the McCoy callout. "I'm a doctor not a physicist" (yes you mentioned it in the observations but it deserved an up) and I am sorry but everything after the beach is a down. Absolutely to long and drawn out. Could have done all the reunion at either the wedding or have them all when departing space dock. Just far too slowly paced.

  • The end of the episode was the complete opposite of the Voyager finale. It dragged on so long I had trouble staying awake. I don't know where Michael was going by herself on Discovery's last mission. They could have made the post-resolution portion much shorter.

  • Wait! Star Turd Discovery, the absolute worst show ever to be shown on TV or theaters, is no more? Hallelujah! Praise all that is holy! They need to fire anyone associated with that turd and never allow them to work on any Star Trek project ever again, until the end of time!

  • Look, all I’m asking is for a captain to have this as a reoccurring line. Not, let’s fly, engage, hit it, etc.. But, let’s butt f*ck the sh*t out of this sh*t!! 😂

  • He talks about how we shouldn't be upset that of course it is michael that is only one that can have the technology, just to say that we shouldn't be upset because of course it was Michael.

  • If the Progenitors didn't create the Construct, then someone else existed before the Progenitors. Maybe the very first race in the entire UNIVERSE found out their galaxy was the ONLY galaxy with life, so they sent a Contruct into each galaxy, where it created one species. When that species advanced enough, they learned to use the Contruct to spread more life inside their galaxy. Maybe now the entire UNIVERSE is full of diverse life. And since the Federation now has a spore drive that can send them ANYWHERE, they'll finally start using it to travel to all of those other galaxies and creating a UNIVERSAL FEDERATION. Maybe the next Star Trek series could be called Star Trek Universe. Imagine how different things could be in other galaxies…maybe even different physics. That would be a very interesting show, instead of just seeing the same species over and over like we've been seeing in Star Trek so far. If they always jump to another galaxy each week, you'd never see another Klingon or Ferengi or Romulan, etc. Every week would be First Contact with another galaxy.

  • Moll has been a petulant, idiotic, garbage person and a 1-dimensional character from the get-go. The actress has been maybe stymied by the script and direction or maybe just mediocre. I am flummoxed it has taken you this long to see what a lame plot device that character was the whole time. Can't believe Moll ever got an up. Disco has been my favorite of the new franchises and deserved a better final season that one containing this character.

  • Weird how all the alien names end with L…Linaal, Sukhal, Ta'hal (spelling? for all)

  • Obviously if I watched all the seasons of Discovery there must be “ups”. Mainly it was just that there was a new Star Trek. My “ downs “ of course are just my opinion but here are a few.

    The time line of the series. Trying to tie it into the original series. But “oh this ship is far advanced and oh that’s Spock’s sister we’ve never heard of. We’ll get to why later”. “Don’t ask about the Klingons”.
    They wanted to cram this series into a certain part of the Trek history but still do whatever they wanted. Then, they jump them to the future where a new Star Trek series should have been in the first place. And we still have the federation. What if the federation was in disarray? Or needed to be rebuilt? And Sonequa Martin-Green in just my opinion is not a great actor. I’m always aware of her acting. This is her “serious face and voice”. This is her “ empathy” eyes. So yes I watched it all because I love the Trek universe. And Saru is the best most realistic alien ever. But I did not think it was a great show. I guess we can thank it for Star Trek Strange New Worlds.

    I’m enjoying Strange New Worlds much more. The premise for that series is far better. I’d like to know the adventures of Capt Pike.

  • Have I missed something but how did Disco jump at the end without either Book or Stamets?

  • Still a hell of a shame that they ended this series prematurely. Even more so that they're doing it with the best season of all 5. Just when they finally found their feet … sorry, we can make more dollars elsewhere!

  • Not going to make may friends with this, but I did not really care for this episode. It seemed slow and just dragged. Glad they wrapped up the story.

  • When I watched the ready room after the episode.. It was the first time I learned of Calypso.. How do I get to see that??

  • I feel like I just spent 5 seasons in an alternate universe agony booth.

    The best thing about this series was that we got SNWs.

    I hate that Detmer’s whole character arch was that she bumped her head and had a headache for 2-episodes.

  • I've been with this show since the start, I mean look at my username, but the fact that you didn't give a down to them abandoning the sphere data and the sentient ship for a bad hamfisted attempt at shoving Calypso into the continuity is a bit insane. This season abandoned every character (Literally ejecting Demter and Owo) to focus on Burnham and her relationship. I'm genuinely surprised that you found this season anything less than reprehensible. Ignoring the fact that the second you find out it's Progenitor tech you immediately knew they had to destroy it.

    What a massive let down. I guess the only good thing to come from this finale is dethroning Enterprise of having the worst ending of any Trek series.

  • Some good parts but mostly went out with a whimper

  • From episode 9 to episode 10, Michael changed uniforms, she was in Breen mode upon entering the portal and in Starfleet mode when she got to the "lobby". That said, I loved this season, this episode and to the haters, please stop.

  • Any thoughts on how / why they knew to just send Discovery off to the middle of nowhere?

  • at first, I was not a fan however I love Star Trek so I had to watch all of it.I must admit Discovery is great and it will be missed glad she and Book got together

  • I've really enjoyed much of Discovery but this season let me down. I just didn't think it was good. Weak story line, often weak dialogue, very sub pat in my opinion. Great stuff in the earlier seasons though.

  • I loved Discovery. The end was great, but sad it's all over. I can't wait for Starfleet Academy.

  • 44:00 – Iconians: Its hard to say if they're beyond the progenitors or if they were a creation of those progenitors. I'd be curious to see if they're going to adopt any elements from the Star Trek Online's Iconian story. Hard to say >:)

  • Luv the T-shirt Handsome….where can I find d something similar?

  • I still don’t get the ending. A bit confusing. Why only the captain and Zora alone?

  • 13:53 – I thought that this planet with all the fire reminded me of the Genesis Planet from ST 3: TSFS. Because this is reminiscent of the fight scene between the Klingon Captain and Kirk.

  • the progenitors finding the tech reminds me too much of mass effect where all younger races find the mass relays and citadel and credit their construction to the protheans only for it to be revealed that the protheans were just the previous advanced civilization to find the mass relays and citadel and span the galaxy before the reapers returned and wiped them out…

  • Moll changing loyalties in a heartbeat: so you' ve never actually MET a female of the species?
    (eep… this one's gonna leave a mark.🫣 Regret forming even before I press the "post" button!
    *presses shoulder to change disguise: 🤓)

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