US vs Spain vs Colombia: How Much Do Groceries Cost? – Beginner Spanish

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Andrea, Andrés, and Shel embark on a global grocery shopping adventure, comparing prices of everyday items in the US, Spain, and Colombia, revealing which country offers the best value for money.

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36 thoughts on “US vs Spain vs Colombia: How Much Do Groceries Cost? – Beginner Spanish

  • . . . and this is exactly why I need food stamps to survive.

  • That Safeway must have just been out of lactose-free milk at the time. I'm pretty sure they all carry it!

  • Great content, love videos like this. At over 600 hours, I rarely watch beginner videos, but this was great. Please make more similar to this 🙂

  • absolutely love this type of video!! anything showing real life things would be great to know from an anthropological perspective

  • Great video! Ideas for comparing: national holidays, holiday traditions, campus life, back-to-school shopping, what it is like to give birth in each country (i.e. length of stay in hospital, what hospital room / hospital food is like, nursing vs bottle feeding), crime, and fast food.

  • Crecío en Estados Unidos, entonces he tomado muchos Hot Pockets. Nunca otra vez, son basuras 😂.

  • Ummm Andrea… you don’t say Hot Pockets in the US — you sing it.

  • Oof this makes me want to keep traveling in Latin America… although some things are crazy expensive (cars, phones, etc.).

  • Qué horror el cono monetario de Colombian manejando precios en los miles y hasta millones. Tal vez es hora de simplificar el cono monetario.

  • It's not cheap to buy groceries in Florida. I buy organic, so I'm racking it up with the bill. I'm from Colombia lol and the bananas for sale here come from there. I miss some of the amazing tropical fruits available there.

  • who ever edited this video is a god. Also i will say Shelcin's video are always edited differently from everyone else's and they are SO entertaining and visually appealing. I am assuming she must be doing her own or hiring out, either way they do a great job.

  • Despues de ver este video, ahora quiero mudarme a Colombia

  • Housing with a realtor giving you guys tours. It'd be super intersting to see

  • Es interesante. La leche sin lactosa es muy común en las tiendas en los Estados Unidos. Aunque de ves en cuando es difícil a encontrar en Domingo. Por cierto, me gusta mucho esta video. Fue muy divertido.

  • 😭😭😭WHY is it that spanish from spain they say the letter C as "th" and z as "th" manthana,thinco dolarez????????????

  • Nos puede dar la lista por favor sería muy interesante tener la abilidad para la gente comparar sus propios países 😬

  • Other things to compare prices of: clothing, travel / public transportation, entertainment, electronics

  • Great video! Washington state is one of the more expensive places in the U.S. – groceries are somewhat cheaper in the Midwest.

  • where is Andrea shopping at'?? That is ridiculous prices omg

  • Always enjoy bigger videos with multiple teachers like this! I'm sure it's more work, but super fun to watch 🙂

  • Interesting video. Not sure where in the US Andrea was, but those prices were a bit or, in some cases, way more expensive than I pay in Florida.

  • It would be cool to compare prices in Mexico, too. I guess it would win in a lot of positions. Especially, avocados. They now cost 2,5$/kg, but at some point they will get cheaper and cost around 1$/kg.
    Potatoes are expensive here, though 🥲
    Corona here cost ~3$ for 6-bottle pack. Maybe cheaper.

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