Use Docker Swarm to run a Windows+Linux containerized application (Part 3/3)
This video is the third in a set of three videos that describe a sample application that I built to demo how a Windows+Linux mixed-OS application can be defined/run using Docker Swarm.
The example application has a Windows-based front-end, defined by a service that leverages the windowsservercore base container image, with the IIS web server installed. The back-end for the application is a Linux container image, running the Redis data store container image.
In this video I cover the steps involved in scaling the front-end service of the application. In the series’ second video I set up the application front-end and back-end, with each of the services running only one container instance each. In this video I scale the front-end service from one to three container instances, then set up an external NGINX load balancer to be used to distribute traffic across the three web service instances.
by Kallie [Msft]
linux web server