linux ftp serverLinux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

Use Google to identify open FTP servers

Solution by Satnam Singh.

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#FTP #Confidential-Files #Google-Dorking

Google dorks are powerful search operators that can be used to find information that is not readily available on the internet. By using the right Google dork, you can find sensitive information like unsecured websites, login credentials, and much more. While Google dorks can be used for good, they can also be used for malicious purposes. Cybercriminals can use Google dorks to find vulnerabilities in websites and then exploit them for their own gain. That is why it is important to be aware of what Google dorks are and how they can be used.

An FTP server is a computer that stores files and makes them available for download by FTP clients. The server runs the FTP daemon software that listens for FTP requests from clients and handles the file transfers. Client computers connect to the FTP server and use the FTP protocol to download or upload files.

Organizations store confidential files on FTP servers for safekeeping. However, these files are often left behind when organizations forget to delete them. Any individual can access these servers and view the confidential files if they know the server’s address. This could lead to serious consequences for the organization.

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by Mossé Cyber Security Institute

linux ftp server