Valdemar's Garage May 7, 2024

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ScanMyTesla app for showing battery temperature, etc:

diagnostic adapter cable – Tesla M3 (>01/2019) and ModelY – ANDROID bundle version

The OBD dongle I use in Tesla, Leaf, Ioniq, e-Niro, e-Soul, i3, ID3/ID4 (Android only):


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42 thoughts on “Valdemar's Garage May 7, 2024

  • One, two, three layer window glass? Use a match, lighter, candle stick and hold it close to the window. Three flames is three layer.

  • By the way Bjรธrn, do 500 km challenge with env200 40kwh. This car was very popular back days ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Amazing amount of unused floor space.

  • Valdemars garage are almost twice as expensive to replace tires then other shops in the area. Not good ๐Ÿ™

  • If I ever travel to Norway I think the first place I would stop at is Elmbimek to talk to Valdermar! Such a down to earth genuine guy. Love watching these update videos Bjorn!

  • More insight to reliability and common faults applicable to each model of car is very useful to know

  • ev clinic my home town repair shop, well known in ev circuits!!

  • It seems you need to run AC and direct the airflow to the ground if you want to help battery cooling in Kia Soul. In Ionic looks like the air circulation is better.

  • What is the best electric car? I have a Tesla Model Y rwd, a Nissan Leaf 24Kw and a Renault Zoe 40Kw, and all of them with a ugly sound from the electric motor. I want a car without this problems, there are any one?, I have had with the same problem a old Model S 85, Iยดm thinking in a Jaguar I-Pace 400 or a Mercedes EQC 400 4 Matic, but i don't know if this cars can be ok. Can you help me?

  • I remember hearing about bearing failures in earlier Teslas. That rust looked horrible, i'm shocked they didn't use something other than cheap sheet metal in that area.

  • I wonder about the feasibility of hooking some EV battery modules up to a solar panel on an off-the-grid cabin.

  • i enjoy very much Ebilmek visits, i learn a lot, thanks

  • Can xray / ultrasound equipment be used to peek inside the Tesla suspension arm for defects?

  • Really like these repair videos. Very informative ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  • Buy cheap Chinese vehicles drive 4-5 years depreciation value and buy new one ๐Ÿ‘Œ or if you can afford a new one every year lol like becoming smartphones easy to sell for good price

  • My Classic Ioniq was just diagnosed with bad bearing. 95k km. Dealer estimated repair at โ‚ฌ14.5k. Found a used motor with new bearings for โ‚ฌ1400. This is going to be a huge emerging market in the coming years.

  • Not interested to own Outlander hybrid anymore, if it has self-destruct capabilities for the battery pack.

  • The bearings in the old Ioniq seem to be a big problem. I got a new reduction gearbox because of a noisy bearing inside under warranty which runs out soon. Hopefully the bearings in the motor will last longer.

  • I love to know the battery health of the outlander

  • Please keep on with these updates. Very usefull to have an insught in ev's reliability

  • So Good!! Norway leads the EV movement – so vlogs about tomorrow's garage are very meaningful for many!! Seems like there is a space for a professional 2nd hand market (and add battery stats / issues / history – certified pros only site).

  • finally we got it…………tesla grafics card 6:24……yessssss๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  • On the Tesla LDU (used by Tesla, Mercedes and Toyota) you can relatively easy check for coolant leaks in removing the motor speed sensor and check for droplets. I doubt that this example passes an isolation test. EvClinic can do a complete refurbishment. Some Hyunday and Renault dont cool the rotor of their induction motors and bearing gets hot, looses grease and dies.

  • Nice video, you have many interesting prosjects , keep the videos coming !

  • 8:10 – Could buy a Olympus Eddy Current crack detector like they use on aircraft parts to look for starting cracks.

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