Vanilla OS is The NEW Ubuntu (FIRST Look)
If you are looking for the better version of Ubuntu then try VanillaOS. It offers a Pure GNOME Experience based on Ubuntu. Vanilla OS is a brand new ubuntu based linux distribution which offers on demand immutability, sub system (Install packages inside Container), vanilla experience of Gnome Desktop and more.
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Vanilla Pacakge Manager 😁
Can we do dual boot ?
опять установщик который сначала накатывает, а затем удаляет приложения. Во первых зачем удалять? может они мне понадобятся? во вторых если не нужны зачем их накатывать? Почему void, arch, gobo, и куча других могут установить только то что требуется, а
гуанодебианподобное нет?Unfortunately it doesn't let you to install by manual partitioning yet
Downloaded the iso on a windows machine and flashed a pen drive with balena. Booted into pop for some reason though??? I am so confused
Please make dual boot toturial
Please show us how to install through usb
It's still linux.. like the other…
Sehr schön hab aber nicht alles verstanden! Geht das auch langsamer zu erklären?
I am still waiting for the stable release as I don't use discord. It says November and I was hoping early November. Now I just hope for actual November and that it does not get pushed back. Hope
Is it good for gaming?
Hello, great tutorial, could you provide an ISO for us to download?
Does it also have podman and toolbox integrateed into the system like Silverblue?
the first time i installed ubuntu i uninstalled it after 10 mins of pink
why does this guy sound like donald trump
What about zorin
tq..good info
I hate Gnome. Nothing better than a very pretty KDE theme.
Is there any other distro that has immutability as vanillaOS?. That feature looks amazing. Fedora silverblue seems to have something similar but the implementation is not so easy as daily driver but more for development.
VanillaOS looks identical to Pop OS
My favorite distro of all time was the Ubuntu Gnome Spin. (Before unity was axed) Then Ubuntu released their modified gnome desktop, specifically designed to satisfy butt-hurt unity fans. (all six of them) Perhaps VanillaOS will right the ship!
Garbage "content". "New ubuntu". "New look". this is why linux youtubers are ridiculed in the actual linux community. If you can't read the manual, check out guides, and look at official text, then there is something wrong!!!
Thanks for reminding me to stay the hell away from Linux.
I cringe every time he pronounces "gnome". 🤮🤮
Before I try it, I need to know if they will keep Calamares. Calamares is the best.