Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Video 2021 08 02 071948

Assessment Objectives
Part 1: Configure Device Basic Settings (15 points, 15 minutes)
Part 2: Configure PPP Connections (20 points, 10 minutes)
Part 3: Configure IPv4 ACL for NAT (2 points, 5 minutes)
Part 4: Configuring IP Routing (19 points, 25 minutes)
Part 5: Configure GRE Tunnel with BGP (14 points, 10 minutes)
Part 6: Implement PPPoE (14 points, 15 minutes)
Part 7: Configure IP ACLs (6 points, 10 minutes)




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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