Video #7: Modern Barndo House – Basement CEMENT DONE – More Hay Making – Erik Has round 2 of Surgery

It’s the LAST of the cement work for the house!

Well, for a while at least! The crew runs back out between spells of dry weather to finsih up the cement . . . they will be pouring the floor for our single slope home modern barndominium. Its crazy how different it looks!


Erik gets round #2 of kidney stone surgery and

Suzanne Finishes the last hay field, cutting, tedding, raking, baling, collecting and stacking herself! She got another 220 bales off this field, bringing the TOTAL for first cutting to over 1,000 bales, a RECORD for us off this acreage.

*** This video was edited by Musa – taking new clients contact him at
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Join “What The Farm Girl” on her many CRAZY adventures running their NEWLY BUILT, FIRST GENERATION family farm on 87 acres in Western Michigan. Born and raised a city-girl, she’s finding out everyday what’s she’s made of as she struggles to figure out planting, harvesting and equipment repair. With plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor and lots of mischief, you never know what you’ll watch next!

Women-run farms are so very scarce, but Farm Girl shows that girls don’t just have a place “helping” on the farm, they can RUN the SHOW!

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29 thoughts on “Video #7: Modern Barndo House – Basement CEMENT DONE – More Hay Making – Erik Has round 2 of Surgery

  • Suzanne, you give the KID the basement and the PARENTS live in the upper floors!!!!! It is a good day on your farm when the baler doesn't break, congratulations!

  • Hey Sue….regarding the pit in corner, the outside footer drain around the foundation drains the water to the pit and the sump pump will lift the water to the outside of house and away.

  • I had shockwave lithotripsy Apr 19. No stents needed. It looked like fine sand. Good luck Eric 4:31

  • I think he should put the gown on the other way.

  • If you could get some rich guy to look back all your vids from the start and give you $2 for every time you’ve said “Awrite” you could probably pay for two houses. LOL. Not a criticism by the way. Love the channel. God blesd

  • You are more trusting than me inviting strangers to a grand opening for the house if I understand that right. I got a stalker through a website I used to go on, the guy lived in the same town as me and I had to go to the police station and an officer found him and talked to him. Haven’t seen him in 8 years.

  • Did you say the washer and dryer are in the basement? That means you have to carry the laundry downstairs, then carry it back upstairs. I always felt that the laundry room should be on the same floor as the bedrooms.

  • Lookin good Suzanne! You might want to cover your new trusses while you’re waiting 👍
    Best to you always 🙏

  • Good luck Erik. Patience on your safe and complete recovery. Go in for a pro Shave and Haircut.
    You will feel better. Follow Dr.'s orders and take it EASY until you are fully healed. There is a definite sloping line at 13:00. Was a pour made over hardening cement? Beware any cracks. Attend to them now.
    Watch the floor after a rain and make sure that all water flows to the Drain. Forget the Aerator for the pond. It will make little noticeable difference. Stents keep passages open.

  • Lol she is pretty green on the maxilator. It definitely gets better the more you use it.

  • A busy time for you on the farm, with so much going on. 🙂 Good to hear that Eric's op went well, this time round. 🙂 There will always be one pooch that wants to leave their mark… 🙂 Your new home is starting to take shape now… 🙂nz

  • Great video! Glad to hear Erik's body is healing up.

  • Suzanne your new home is taking shape.Thanks for explaining all the details where you would like certain things in your home will be.Your fields look amazing I’m positive your clients animals love the hay. Eric god speed I hear kidney stones are very painful I hope you have much relief coming very soon.

  • CONCRETE! Cement is the powder among other ingredients that makes concrete. Sorry , but after 31 years of being a General Contractor it's become a pet peeve of mine lol. Cheers from Canada 🇨🇦

  • Suzannr merci pour cette vidéo sur la construction, je souhaite un bon rétablissement à Eric et un bel été à toi début juillet je vais subir une opération de chirurgie cardiaque , Albert de Suisse

  • Go ahead and finish any thing you are thinking about doing later they will not be cheaper later on

  • 220 BALES looks like 40-45 bale to acre hay your heavy spots look 90-100 …your light spots 30 so its a guess LOL …. look at Brash herbicide not sure your actual problem but we use it with success in our hay field and its cheap…..consider covering you floor trusses while you wait on contractor

  • Nice video Suzanne. If you've got cracks in the walls you need to get the cement guy back out there. Hope Eric is doing better and happy Father's Day to him. Good luck with the hay. Take care and have a blessed and safe week 🙏

  • Nice video. I hope Eric gets in fighting shape soon. This week is going to be very hot. You'll probably be getting up early to beat the heat. Your basement looks really huge. They cut the concrete slabs to prevent it from cracking. We had reed canary grass in our pasture. The horses and cattle grazed it. It's very hardy for low poorly drained ground.

  • I've had over 30 kidney stones and can sympathize. Stints are needed if trauma during the lithotripsy, but are a pain. hopefully, he's doing well. Nice progress.

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