dhcp server liuxLinux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

Virtual Network in Proxmox for MPTCP Test lab

We build a Virtual Network in Proxmox for the MPTCP or OpenMPTCPRouter Test lab. In this video we do A LOT OF STUFF ! We create Proxmox network virtual networks, we use the tc netem QoS Filter of Linux for shaping of network lines, we add latency to the network in order to simulate a slow network, we install OpenWrt in Proxmox but also OpenMPTCPRouter. We will run a MATE desktop on a Linux machine in an LXC container and run the X2GO Server in the container plus the X2GO client Windows. Furthermore there is a nodejs client that shows ssh remote exexution integration. The three shaper machines are in fact linux LXCE containers which we turn into routers and dhcp servers.

The full description with ALL commands, URLs and instructions etc is here (it is longer than 5000 characters)

0:00 Intro
01:00 TLDR / TLDW
01:13 Why a virtual Network ?
02:02 How to build this ?
03:20 Network setup in Proxmox
04:47 Defining the nodes
04:57 OpenWrt in a virtual Machine
11:01 Installing the shapers
12:30 turn the shapers into routers
17:07 create the other VMs
19:39 install the client Container
22:26 Installing the X2GO client
24:12 the nodejs Client for QoS
31:37 closing

Marc’s channel on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG5Ph9Mm6UEQLJJ-kGIC2AQ
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by OneMarcFifty

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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