Wagon is Back?? House update, Bad Coils, Shop Updates && MORE!

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44 thoughts on “Wagon is Back?? House update, Bad Coils, Shop Updates && MORE!

  • ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ all kinds of updates

  • On those new fangled cars, you gotta plan on replacing the coil boots when doing a tune up.

  • Where was teh anti seize on them plugs? notice how hard that first one came out. The other guys didnt use any either , you`ll be pulling teh head next time .If that plug was cracked , why are you replacing the coil? waste of money dude. You need Alldata if ya is gonna work on that 1980 and nnnewer stuff . Its only $400 a month.

  • so what happened to the side of teh shop that was gonna have teh compressor , teh A/C and the heat? OK puddin , you is now a computor engine control ex put. SEE it aint so hardno is it?

  • I know you'll have a bathroom downstairs from the guest room, but I highly recommend at least putting a toilet and sink upstairs in the utility room. Hide the water heater and furnace on one side and put a 2 or 3 piece bathroom with it

  • A way to test a coil is to swap them exp. 1 n 3 .. put 3 in 1 n 1 in 3 run the car .. engine light on then scan it n u should miss on 1 .. simple new coil on 3 n 1 back to 1 tada ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿผ.. also tools avail. For coil testy but swapping Is free

  • My 2011 Ford F250 6.7 has a plastic oil pan in it. They went away from it the very next year.

  • Hey Puddin' do you know about the utility sinks that have a pump unit under them so you can run the drain to a higher location? I've installed a couple and they work great for a Shop unit.

  • Hey Puddin!!! You ever see a 68 Mustang Wagon before??? Checkem out for me man!

  • need to wire up a chair lift old as Mortske is he will need chair lift to climb up there.

  • there is a amino acid supplement that is supposed to help with the shaking and doesn't have any side effects all natural from health food store works good for some. cannot remember which one it is my grandmother as she got older had bad shake worked for her might look into it

  • 3-m used to make sand paper to sand scratches out of picture tubes on televisions. i used to do solid surface counter tops and thats the paper we used it will infact sand scratches out of glass with a random orbit sander i tried it

  • need windshield 1964 fairlane 500 4door so far haven't been able to find only problem im in alabama

  • Just recently got the clear cups in my opinion seem to help me out sometimes you just get to that angle would be nice to see past but open routes due to fitment will for sure. Be a test on foot control.

  • Great video as always man always enjoy any content you put out

  • Fabricate your own pedal car. Put it on your wooden Ridge. Pott County pedal car come on๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Take care of family first i do not mind Thank You Hang in there and tell slick fitty he needs to be arond more yall have a great time together

  • Try to survive the cold there, greetings from Finland ๐Ÿ‘

  • Digging the little look at everything… Most people dont think about all the little things that come into play when you're doing big projects, like building houses, shops and cars… Happy for you and your family!!

  • 5624 Hey Puddin'! Bury some quarter inch steel plates over your fiber optic lines. They'll know they are digging in the wrong place when they start hitting them.

  • Love your channel if I could afford your old place I'd buy it. That stair case would look awesome with wood burning with a propane torch and clear polyurethane top coat.. just my opinion. Keep up the great work and entertainment ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • WAGON REAR GLASS Not sure about automotive glass but I have had good luck with removing hard mineral water spots on residential glass with Cerium Oxide. I used a hand drill with a buffing pad attached. Its takes time and be aware of heat buildup, but restored my glass back to almost looking new.

  • Glad you are doing well for yourself and your family, love your personality and your videos and keep doing you

  • Just keep the videos coming and we all will set on are ass and watch them then we will go work on are projects have a good day

  • So when you say anyone that comes into town canโ€™t stay there. Can I come and visit!?

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