Want to find internships for this summer ?(Read the description)

Still haven’t figured out your summer internship for 2024 and feeling anxious?

Fret not, you can still gain valuable experience and boost your resume (and even get stipends in some cases)! ⬇️

1/ Apply to Linux Foundation Mentorship Program (LFX)
Work alongside experienced mentors on real-world open-source projects under the Linux Foundation (along the lines of Google summer of code which is unfortunately over for 2024). Gain practical skills, contribute to the open-source community, and potentially earn a stipend (varies by project).

Link to apply – https://lfx.linuxfoundation.org/tools/mentorship/

2/ Apply to Open Mainframe Project Mentorship Program
Contribute to open-source mainframe projects and gain valuable mentorship from industry professionals.

Link to apply – https://openmainframeproject.org/projects/mentorship/

3/ Do a research internship/assistantship on campus with a Professor
RAship projects (best part are paid) add a lot of weight to your resume and if you do a good job, the Prof might continue hiring you this Fall as well. Talk about win-win.

4/ Do an unpaid internship
That’s correct. An unpaid internship is better than not doing an internship. Period. I did 2 unpaid internships during my MBA days at NYU and it helped me a TON in landing my full-time job offers.

5/ Take courses in summer semester
Utilize the summer to finish off some coursework and get some credits
If you do this, I highly recommend supplementing it with:

– Getting involved with some research work on campus (unpaid is also fine) as well to add some experience on your resume
– Freelance on fiverr/upwork

❌ What I don’t recommend doing in summer:

– Random volunteer work
– Online coursework: If you are already doing a BS or MS, more coursework is not going to add much value on your resume. Plus, you can do it anytime. Summers are best utilized to get EXPERIENCE.
– Staying at home: don’t sit idle or alone by any means. Build something and network anyhow.

Posting in good faith, give it a try ✨

Did I miss anything? Lmk in the comments ⬇️

Summer internship, Jobhunt, layoffs, study in USA, study abroad, scholar strategy, 24northstar


by Scholar Strategy by Nistha Tripathi

linux foundation

One thought on “Want to find internships for this summer ?(Read the description)

  • girl it out of touch. she doesn't realize how difficult it is to contribute to open source. most of the times, we can do simple bug fixes or typo changes, but building out features in an established codebase it too hard.

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