Watch How Hackers hack your Discord account..
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In this video, I demonstrate how hackers manage to hack your discord accounts.
This video’s sole purpose is to educate viewers about cyber threats and how to to stay safe on the Internet. Hacking anyone’s digital accounts without their consent is a serious offense and you shouldn’t do it.
In this video, I showcase two techniques that hackers use to steal your Discord tokens: Malicious Token Grabber, and QRL Jacking technique.
A token is a random value generated by Discord that will grant you access into your account. When someone steals your token, they can login to your discord account without your email and password. It’s like a session ID that maintains your session on a web app.
If you watch this video completely, you can learn two lessons:
1. Do not download random files to your computer, even though it is sent by a person you know very well.
2. Do not scan QR codes from untrusted sources as you just saw how bad that can be.
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by Tech Raj
linux web server
can you get doxxed by messages?
Indian no text to speech
ofc hes indian
Hey, if you wanna try, try a memory scanner
They often distribute the same file. So where da directory?
Thank you, now I can finally take my account back from my hacker
I once got hacked by such invite link. There was no QR code, only an invite link. He was sending spammy message to every servers I was joined. Ended up getting kicked from some important servers. Impermanent loss.
What I'm gonna do if my account got hack and it turn to my account. To bot NSFW.!
My friend got a message from me on discord which I haven’t even sent to him the message was “Get my N*des for free, click on the link”
Keep it up buddy 👍
I just got hacked and signed out. Wha tho I do..
Completely well explained. And even to me who has no experience in programming or coding, but was a victim of these hacks, I can assure this even makes sense to the raw eye. Good video!
Even so I know a guy that is able to write read dms of other people just by having their discord name acc
he cant steal the acc but in dms with mates you can still have password to other acc such as steam
crazy how this can be easilly avoided by knowing basic internet safety
could you help me do that to prank a friend
Useful code 3:59
only morons would scan a random qrcode like that. Also, fuck your ad
2:51 cute girl
Can u send me the link fpr that app😂
Just got grabbed so stressful
This legit happend to me 2 days ago luckily he was just doing it for awareness purposes now we friends 😭😭
Alright there was some guy that sent gore/cp to a Discord server using other acts Discord dosent do shit so I’m gonna need real help I need to get him destroyed his username: blalama go do anything to him I have like a static ip vpn which I’m not turning off in any shape or form
where the heck is the solution 😭
my account recently got hacked, I'm trying to get alot of people to report it so it can get permanently deleted.
bro is NOT ntts
I once got a guy that told me "Hey bro, look you can get money without doing nothing in this website (scam website)"
I did it please can you help me
The exe is python, I knew instantly. File size
I just woke up and my discord acc got hacked and they spammed nsfw links to servers and my dms, i just woke up too