WdsClinet: An error occured while obltaining an IP Address from the DHCP server – Windows 2012 R2
WdsClinet: An error occured while obltaining an IP Address from the DHCP server
Error Resolved Step by Step
by Curiosity Prakash
linux dhcp server
on step 9 i get "package found : 0" i am trying to install windows 10 through wds
Good. But it could better if you showed us how to add driver's in the server, and then add to an image on WDS.
It was half
Thanks solved!
thank you
search option there have no packages
Thank You for post.
thanks. this solved my problem
Unfortunately this did not work for us. Any other suggestions?
I've injected every Ethernet driver that is available for the HP prodesk 400 G3 and still no dice. So looks like its network cloning for me…wew.