We Need To Talk About the Diablo 4 Expansion..

by @LegendaryDrops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TreYvkBwTuM
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45 thoughts on “We Need To Talk About the Diablo 4 Expansion..

  • so 96% of players unistalled d4 after season 2 or 5 weeks in and now they want us to pay 100$ lolol again with no refund. Ill pay if it comes out in steam to i can just take my money back and give blizz the finger

  • Nah, we don't need to talk about that.
    Because its all nonsense and its been that way for decades.

  • I feel like I'm the only person on the planet who actually enjoys D3 and prefers it over the prior games.

  • My wife and I were super excited for Diablo 4. We sunk a ton of time into 3, and really had fun with it. At launch of D4 we played through the entire campaign and ended somewhere in the 60's. We then logged off one day, uninstalled the game, and never returned. Instead we played through Grim Dawn. D4 added so much trash to the game, while forgoing fun innovative gameplay. I played a druid and felt I was smacking enemies with wet noodles, and had a miserable experience. I've heard that D4 has gotten better since launch, but there are new games to play, games we missed that we can play, games we know we love that we can revisit. Its hard to return to a game that we honestly hated even with the good news about it. Then on top of that we get news like $100 expansions, and whale fishing surveys.

  • No I’m not dropping a hundred fking dollars on an expansion for a crappy game the fact this guys shilling for it makes me not care even more of course he can drop a hundred on it with no issues I dropped a hundred on bg3 because it was worth it Diablo 4 isn’t plain and simple

  • Between PoE 2 and Last Epoch. I don't understand why anyone would throw money at blizzard this year

  • Why dont we have loot filters? Its because going through 20 nightmare dungeons and having literally one drop, thats shit, would make it clear how poor the loot system is

  • Diablo 4 is what happens when you build a game for profits instead of passion.

  • Fuck, the drops guy is SOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring that I just can't and now need a nap or something..

  • Is PoE fun? IMO, no. Now before you jump my shit, let me explain. I was playing that game everyday for almost two weeks straight for about 3 hours a day. Why? Because you had alot to do. But after a while that starts to fade. This is what made me realize how bad it was. I found myself logging into the game and on my second monitor i had to open up a seperate website, which i will not name but you know which one, if you play PoE. Its a bad game if you have to use a seperate website with spread sheets to play a game. In my book that makes the game ITSELF badly designed. Lets put that into a World of Warcraft scenario. Without DBM or other add-ons for raiding, you get smashed and most likely kicked from any higher end content, even if you know what to look for, regardless of how good you may be. Youll get ridiculed into the oblivion of obscurity. So why even play at that point? After that, you find yourself logging in less and less. After that, youll wonder why you even pay for a subscription to the game. After that, youll wonder why you even played. Eventually, you just dont have interest in the new stuff that even comes out. Now, why even ask for a higher price for an expansion, if people are not having fun with what you gave them to start with?

  • Look, I think Diablo 4 has one major problem they really need remedy. Its complexity. It has way too many layers of crap piled on more crap to be combined with more crap. I'll give an example. Why should players have items that give a bonus to damage only if its Wednesday, at Nighttime, with a two-handed weapon equipped, while the target is Frozen, inside a house? I know that's a little over the top, but it is what is happening. 40+ specific conditions to gain extra damage? And its all guarded by the RNG Gate Guardian! And you wonder why you have to stack Crit Hit and Crit Chance? Thats why.

  • If we’re being realistic we should compare to the minimum wage increase and not inflation

  • I gladly paid a support pack for poe (now, jan 2024) of 100$ because of the value it brought and for support
    I guess it all comes to this: you proved value, you are deserving this. d4 (and I am a big fan) makes me buy an expansion with the promise that it will worth it, after failing us with the launch and s1 of d4
    it's a different perspective

  • POE's new player experience is actual dogshit. Maybe they should start getting better at that. I think theres enough complexion.

  • Blood Bishop looks like rip off of Widowed Abomination. Cookie Cutter simulator 2.0 for simpletons. Damn I should have waited

  • Lost my last HC toon to disconnect. Uninstalled, devs not addressing the goddamn bugs. Really sorry for giving Buzzard more money to mock me with

  • I got about 2 days worth of "enjoyable" game time out of Diablo IV, but only because I had hope for it to get better. When I got to endgame, I realized that the game was as shallow as I feared.

    I have now lost all interest in Diablo IV, and will most likely never install it ever again, except if people are actually saying it got good, and I can see gameplay and loot that has more depth than a puddle of dogshit.

  • Engage with the Brine King point at least instead of just calling it dumb?

  • Not much talking about D4 going on when you're just watching someone else's video.

  • D4 is already a bigger success than POE, D4 is huge on casual console well POE is hardcore PC

  • So they want us to pay for their mistakes😒

  • Just see if you will like it. Thats it. Then use. Your brain

  • I am D2 LOD and D2R fanatic. D3 and D4 just doesn't do it for me. It just wierd playing it, it plays and feels not right. I'm playing BG3 now. 😂

  • Video games are optional, luxury products that no one HAS to spend money on if they don't want to. But please, go off 😂

  • I pray for D4 to succeed not for the execs or who will profit from it but for us the casual who will continue to support it…

    (Yes I'm coping please don't @ me just to attack lol I know it's coming.)

  • Do you remember when Diablo 3 was supposed to have a PVP 2v2 mode ?

    I DO

    This is why (and for some other things) I don"t care about Blizzard games anymore

  • We're gunna fix this game, just give us another 200$ to experience it first please

  • I was not prepared for the mid vid autism episode.

  • don't like PoE, but don't like d3, nor d4. D1 and D2 are the good ones.

  • At a certain point we'll have videos with Asmon's face in three of the images in addition to his actual one from the view.

  • easy, Blizzard learned from CDProjekt RED that you can release a shit game, broken at launch and hype it up as much as you can only to promise to keep developing it and make it better, so instead of working for 10 years to bring another Diablo title, just work for 2, take all the money and then keep polishing it for the next 8. Every time they give you an update that's pretty much something that should've been there at game launch, all the monkeys start clapping, saying "look how much they're trying to improve this game"
    Imo, Blizzard will keep going at this exact rate because of all the idiots that just can't let it go, like some toxic relationship where you're being dragged to hell only to forget about it the next day and keep doing the same thing over and over again. This is what happens when consumers get dumbed down enough.

  • idk Asmon, Greater Rifts i think are waaaaaaaaaaaay more fun than Nightmare Dungeons, i enjoy running rifts, Nightmare Dungeons are boring af

  • Part of me expects all video games to become more expensive, but on the other hand Diablo 4 hasn't done enough right to make me want to support an expansion at $100. A $100 expansion better be like adding an entire second game of quality content. One new class for $100? GTFO. One new part of the map for $100? GTFO. Better give me 3 new classes minimum, 3 acts, and new stuff to do at 100.

  • Its a good game, is it great? No, has lots of flaws…but its nice and casual…
    The 60$ or 100$ expac is WAYYYY overpriced

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