Web pages are not loading in Google Chrome on Windows 11/10

If your web pages are not loading in Google Chrome on Windows 11/10, then this post will help you to fix this issue. This issue may occur due to poor internet connection, outdated Chrome version, and corrupted cache or cookies.

Web pages are not loading in Chrome

Web pages are not loading in Google Chrome on Windows PC

Use the following fixes to resolve the web pages that are not loading in Google Chrome on Windows 11/10:

  1. Check your Internet connection
  2. Clear the cache and cookies
  3. Update Google Chrome
  4. Try to load a web page in a Private window
  5. Have you blocked the third-party cookies?
  6. Reset or reinstall Chrome
  7. Try using a different browser

Before you proceed with further troubleshooting, we suggest you hard reload or refresh the web page by pressing Ctrl+F5 and see if that works.

1] Check your Internet connection

An unstable or poor internet connection is one of the most common causes of this issue. We suggest you check your internet connection and power cycle your WiFi router. It will fix the temporary glitches. To do so, use the following instructions:

Check your Internet connection

  • Turn off your router.
  • Unplug the power adapter of the router from the wall socket.
  • Wait for a few minutes.
  • Plug the power adapter back into the router and turn on your router.
  • Wait for the router to start up and connect to the internet.

2] Clear the cache and cookies

We suggest you force reload the web page in Google Chrome. The shortcut key used to perform this action is Ctrl + F5. This action will reload the web page by bypassing the cookies. Therefore, this will let you know whether the issue is with cookies or not.

Clearing cookies and cache in Firefox

If this fixes the issue, you need to clear the cache and cookies. You can also use the shortcut keys (Ctrl + Shift + Delete) to bring the Clear Browsing Data window directly In Chrome.

3] Update Google Chrome

Are you using the latest version of Google Chrome? Follow the below steps to update your Google Chrome browser to the latest version:

Update Google Chrome

  • Open your Google Chrome.
  • Click on the three dots from the upper right corner.
  • Select Settings > About Chrome to check for updates.
  • If updates are available, Chrome will install the updates automatically. After installation of the updates, relaunch Chrome.

4] Try to load the web page in a Private window

Private window

There is a possibility that extensions are causing this issue. Loading the web page in Private or Incognito mode can help you know this. If you’re able to load the web page in Private or Incognito mode, then disable your extensions and check if it brings any changes. To do so, use the following steps:

  • Click on the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the browser window.
  • Select Extensions > Manage extensions.
  • Toggle the switch next to each extension to disable it.

Disable all extensions one by one and reload the web pages every time after disabling each extension. When the issue gets fixed, the extension that you have just disabled is the culprit. Uninstall that extension and look for its alternative.

5] Have you blocked the third-party cookies?

Have you blocked the third-party cookies in Chrome? Check this in Google Chrome settings. Google Chrome allows users to tighten their privacy settings by blocking the third-cookies. But this action can cause some websites to break. Also, the web pages of some websites will load properly.

Follow the steps provided below:

Have you blocked the third-party

  1. Open Chrome Settings.
  2. Select Privacy and security.
  3. If the “Block third-party cookies” option is selected, select the “Allow third-party cookies” option.

Check if this fixes the problem.

6] Uninstall and reinstall Chrome

Corrupted browser files can be the reason for this issue. In this case, uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome can help. To do so, use the following steps:

Uninstall Google Chrome

  • Close your Google Chrome.
  • Go to Windows Settings.
  • Click on Apps > Installed apps.
  • Scroll down and look for Google Chrome.
  • Click on three dots and click on Uninstall.

After uninstalling Chrome, download its latest version from the official website and install it.

7] Try using a different browser

Microsoft Edge in Windows 10

If the issue persists, then try to open your web page in a different Web browser. If you can load the web page in a different browser, you may continue using the other browser – like Microsoft Edge.

Why are some websites not opening in Chrome on Windows 11?

There are many reasons why some websites are not opening in Chrome on Windows 11. Some of the most common causes are firewall settings, antivirus software, extensions, etc. Check your firewall settings and ensure they are not blocking website access. Also, you can temporarily disable antivirus software and extensions to fix this.

Why is my Chrome browser so slow in Windows 11?

An unstable internet connection can be the reason for the slow Google Chrome browser. Ensure your internet connection is good, and we suggest you power cycle your router—also, close background processes. To do so, open Task Manager (Shift + Esc) to see if there are any background processes, right-click on it, and click on End task.

Read next: Fix White or blank Screen issue in Google Chrome.

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