What are CNAME records? (and how they compare to DNS A records)

Find out what CNAME records are used for and what’s the difference between DNS CNAME and A records. Also, you will learn how to do a create and do a lookup for a CNAME record.

Find more at https://tonyteaches.tech
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#cname #dns


by Tony Teaches Tech

linux dns server

50 thoughts on “What are CNAME records? (and how they compare to DNS A records)

  • Your explanation is astonishingly simple and concise. Thank you

  • I've learnt so much from you Tony. U and Jay LaCroix are the most valuable sources of knowledge about networking / linux in the whole YouTube.

  • bro your intro almost gave me an epileptic shock… geez

  • quick question Tony.. I recently linked my custom domain to my github pages repo and set my DNS records with CNAME only and I have been waiting for DNS check to complete for 2 days now. Is it okay to only use the CNAME record without the A on my DNS records?

  • Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is the IP address from the device, or website, or where exactly? My brain is not quite understanding where that number is found… 😢

  • very helpful video, thanks brother.

  • Hi Tony, we want to have the root domain for the normal website and a api. subdomain for the endpoint, but if I use cname it rooting me back to the root domain. How can we configure this for a school project?

  • I bought the name on google and they need the cname, for gmail, but the cname is nowhere to be found. Im so confused

  • Hold on, hold on, hold on, what sound effect is playing when the arrows pop up

  • THIS is exactly what I was looking for! Your explanation about why it's better to use an A record instead of a CNAME is what I was trying to figure out for the last day, since I've read and watched a bunch of tutorials suggesting one method or the other, but never explaining the differences or that you could do either one. Thank you!

  • Explanation was so clear I could not hit subscribe fast enough

  • Can you change the change or delete the cname using the command nsupdate on a rhel8 server?

  • if want to understand this in detail what courses should i take

  • Great tutorial, thanks!

  • This is great, thank you. Question, If I move my site files to a different host server but keep my emails hosted on a different server, Can I just update the A records IP to the new server hosting the files? I do not want it to impact where my emails are currently hosted. I thought this was correct until I saw this video. I was told changing the CNAME in this case would not work.

  • Great vid! Very concise and easy to understand.

  • Hi Tony, I recently transferred my domain that I purchased from NameCheap to Google. (Thanks to your helpful video) However, now I don't know what to do with my DNS. (This is all a new language to me) Now that the transfer is complete I tried to create a webpage in google, but it says, "Can’t connect, domain in use"- and also my domain is "already managed by another service provider. To continue, enter a different subdomain. To use this subdomain, disconnect it and try again." So now I am searching for videos on what to do next, but cant seem to find the answers. Do you happen to have a tutorial on this issue?

  • You can't vicariously experience sotNice tutorialng through another person, the sa way you need to try it for yourself before losing hope.

  • A very clear and concise explanation. Thank you.

  • I love your tutorials – quick, efficient, to the point and exactly what I need. Thank you Tony!

  • How would you set up A record or Alias record for a sub domain?

  • Great video Tony! I had a seizure watching the intro, watching this from the hospital! Very helpful!

  • this is the explanation i've been looking for. thanks for the quick, thorough, and easy to understand explained video!

  • Hi Tony! I'm currently creating a new website for a client who has previously had everything on wordpress. The website has a few subdomains and the client wants to keep those as one of them is for their shop. I'm designing a new website with WIX and was wondering if if i change the cname and A name records for the main domain, will it affect any of the subdomains that they have?


  • Hello ~ I am so confused about NS and CNAME as both of them are point to A record. May I know their differences, application and location stored in , such as TLD or authoritative ?

  • you got +1 sub, you deserve it. Thankyou so much for this video, well explained!

  • Hi found your video very useful content

    Can you do a video on how to point website to one server and email to another server

  • And maybe, if you have got a little time, You can make a video about DNSSEC DS rekord (inside Cloudflare, Vultr, Linode, WPX, Cloudways, Digital Ocean etc.), and HSTS. DNSSEC is very useful, against dns attacking, like spoofing, hijacking.

  • This is soo helpful, thank you!

  • Can you make a video talking about DANE (DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities)????

  • Finally I understand what does CNAME DNS record mean. Thank You Tony!

  • You helped me a lot,
    My blog is having more than .5M traffic pr month.
    Only coz i got best hosting nd speed for my customers.
    Thanks brother ❤️🔥

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