What are the type of Trust in Windows server 2012 ?

About: What are the type of Trust in Windows server 2012 ?

Type of trust in Windows server 2012 ?

What are the type of Trust in Windows server 2012 in Windows server 2012 ?

1- Parent Child Trust: Parent Child trust is an implicitly established, two way transitive trust when you add a new child domain to a tree.

2- Tree Root Trust: Tree root trust is an implicitly established, two way transitive trust when you add a new tree root domain to a forest.

3- Shortcut Trust- Shortcut trust is an explicitly created transitive trust between two domains in a forest to improve user logon on times. Shortcut trust will make a trust path shorter between two domains in the same forest. The shortcut can be one way or two way.

4- External Trust: External trust is explicitly created, Non transitive trust between windows server 2003 domains that are in different forests or between a windows server 2003 domain and windows NT 4 domain. The External trust can be one way or two way .

5- Realm Trust: Realm trust is explicitly created transitive or Non transitive trust between a Non windows Kerberos realm and a Windows server 2003 domain. This trust helps to create trust relationship between windows server 2003 domain and Kerberos version 5 realm. The realm trust can be one way or two way.

6- Forest trust: Forest trust is an explicitly transitive between two forest created trust between two forest root domains. The forest trust can be one way or two way.


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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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