What does 4 YEARS working on a game get you? | 3D Platformer Devlog #0

Slime 64 is a 3D collect-a-thon inspired by retro classics!

PLAY THE DEMO & WISHLIST: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1562410/Slime_64/
Discord: https://waveparadigm.com/slime64-discord
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Slime_64
Wave & Jake’s Slime PNGTubers courtesy of our awesome artist: https://twitter.com/RunningSumErins

What does it look like to work on your indie game passion project for four years? Join us on a journey of twists and turns that saw us release a 2 hour long vertical slice this past holiday season. Watch the design and development iteration unfold and let us know what you think in the comments below!

0:00 – Intro
1:26 – The Plan
3:43 – Foundations Game Jam
7:48 – Core Systems
10:27 – Hiatus
10:47 – Public Feedback Round 1
11:54 – Hiatus 2 (With a Twist!)
16:07 – Reevaluation
23:40 – Vertical Slice
29:29 – The Rest of the Game
30:49 – Outro

Go Up, the egg-laying 2D platformer from our friends: https://ckuras.itch.io/go-up
50 Game Camera Mistakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7307qRmlMI
GMTK Developing 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAxSqi5LBDM


by WaveParadigm

linux foundation

23 thoughts on “What does 4 YEARS working on a game get you? | 3D Platformer Devlog #0

  • Also my answer for the question at the end is surprisingly, Roblox! Despite how simple it seems, having jumping, walking, even with the default player controls theres so many cool ways to obby you can perform! (Using shift and turning your character to the side to be able to get further, jumping around a wall thanks to shift-lock, being able to jump off a ladder and be blasted backwards instead and then fall of only going down, it's just impressive that with it's core mechanics so many things can be performed around it! (And i'll be honest, maybe shift-lock takes merit for 90% of roblox tricks due to how the camera works with collision and bugs, even flinging players sometimes)

  • I cant wait to play this one day, it seems so fun and snappy and has so much personality 😀

  • I watched this, and immediately went and played the demo. Great game so far! it was so much fun to 100% and the challenge level at the end was super fun too! Love what you're doing, keep it up!

  • I think the only thing Id suggest changing about the character movement is two things,

    squash and stretch when landing/jumping/diving, Im sure theres some easy way to have that done in the character script by changing the scale of the model on certain axis whenever it does anything like that.

    and secondly maybe instead of little dust particles coming from the slime, you could have a little trail of slime, a simple texture that shrinks as disappears after a second.

    I could probably be more helpful with how these things are accomplished but I dont use unity so

  • It's 0.2 because the actual time is 0.16666666…. and they got lazy, and round it up to make it pretty in code. 😂 That's why i use the superior representation of rate = 1/60 😅😅 obviously i use a variable named framerate instead of 60 but you catch the idea 😊

  • Even though I'm not using unity, I was wondering why 60fps felt smoother than 75fps for my game. Didn't know that camera/physics lock was even a thing. Randomly hearing it in this video made me realize I also had it and then fixed it. Now it's way smoother, thanks 👍

  • I love how organized this video is, I'm sure there were a lot more pain and toil that went into this game but it's just straight useful information.

  • "If you have worked on a game before, you may be wondering, you actually shipped a demo!?" This made me burst out laughing. Well done! Thank you for this. 👍

  • A slight pixelated shader might look nice!

  • This game looks insane. The storytelling in this video is amazing, great job! I will definitely play the demo.

  • Interesting the step of changing the fixed tilmestep. Reminds me that when working in VR you need to make sure it is set up to at least 90 frames or you might get dizziness

  • This reminds me of the old bounce games. Especially " bounce boing voyage"

  • So I played the game until I reached the third earth level, and at that point I knew that I had seen enough.

    Here are my thoughts:
    1. Technical
    On a technical level, it's HIGHLY polished. Movement, camera, text, music, sound effects, et cetera. I did find that if you jump into things your shadow can be a little wonky.

    2. Gameplay
    As far as actually playing the game, it's largely satisfying, especially how quickly and conveniently you can "swim" to the surface in water, how smooth the transition between your standard form and the boulder form is, how responsive the reactions and moves are, and your character's movement speed, jump speed, and general control.
    My only complaint is that the boulder doesn't turn quite as fast as I feel like he should. Either the tracks' angles should be a bit wider, or the sharpness at which you can turn should be a bit increased. I didn't see any game-play reason for me to be unable to turn a bit more sharply.

    3. Level Design
    With one small exception (and it was a VERY small exception) the game does a fantastic job of directing you, giving you return paths and just generally NOT being annoyingly abstruse with what to do or where to go. I'd like to see that continued on into the final product, as a game like this—an independent game by untested creators, with fine but not impressive graphics—lives and dies on how fun it is from the get-go, and if the levels become frustrating at any point, especially early on, you're going to lose a lot of people. Especially people like me, who are happy to dip our toes, but aren't going to stick around one second longer than the game stops being entertaining. Speaking of which.

    4. Purpose and/or Progression
    I know, it's a vertical slice, and it's largely meant to show the game mechanics themselves, and potential level designs, and the graphics, music and sound effects.
    But the reason that I tend to not play indie games is because they tend to be weak on story and "reason to keep going." Walking simulators have done well on the strength of their story progression alone, demonstrating how you can basically NOT EVEN HAVE A GAME and people will still play if there's a mystery ahead.
    This game, for me, is just not something I'd ever play, and it's NOT because I don't like platformers, but because there's no story. I know there will be a story, but listen, you said that you wanted your game to be what we THOUGHT games LOOKED LIKE when we were kids, right?
    Well, we also thought Mario 64 had a pretty rockin' story and fantastic character development, too. Looking back, it's obvious that these elements were no more than excuses to have a game, no more clever or important than, "Sorry, your princess is in another castle."
    As an adult, that doesn't cut it for me anymore. That's why you have games like Atomic Heart, with CONSTANT dialogue between the main character and his glove: Their dialogue is character-, story- and lore-building, which keeps you engaged beyond "kill random thing."
    Even the new Doom keeps you riveted to your television with great little cut-scenes, musical stings, dialogue and a bit of a mystery.

    So ultimately, for me, no matter how phenomenal this game turns out, no matter how tight the controls, how smooth and creative the animations, how fantastic the level design, if I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere except to the end of an obstacle course, I'm not going to keep playing.
    I had this same feeling while playing Klanoa, the collection that came out recently for the PC. The levels are FINE, the game-play is GOOD ENOUGH. I love the character design, the music is nice, I like the game mechanics. But the story? The story is for 8-year-olds, and I just couldn't be bothered to push through the game with so little motivating me.

    I don't know what this is. A plea? A lesson? A rant? I just know that, with a good writer on board, some passionate people who really care about making good dialogue, good characters and some kind of meaningful plot, this could be elevated from the "good" and "fun" game I'm sure it will eventually become, to a phenomenal game that people remember and return to because it held more than just fun jumping mechanics.

    But I'm sure I'm alone in this thinking.

  • Istg 3d cameras are something I still havent figured out yet. One day tho!

  • The retro style is so cool, def giving me nostalgia. Excited to try out the demo!

  • Lets hope that Unity wont suck all the money out of your pockets and the algorithm will be on your side.

  • duuuude this is awesome – I'm really excited to see how you guys progress 🙂 Also, the slime character look like a Puffle from Club Penguin XD

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