What happened to Ubuntu Unity??

Let’s take a quick look at the updated version of Ubuntu Unity 22.04 and quickly cover what is unity and what in the world happened to it.

Ubuntu Unity Release: https://ubuntuunity.org/blog/

Mark Shuttleworth Full Interview:

Video Credits:
Tyler’s Tech Unity8 – https://youtu.be/tcRsluQRZpg
Ubuntu Ad Unity Desktop 10.10 – https://youtu.be/dHzP7mxRFJE
Drew Howden Tech Ubuntu 10.04 – https://youtu.be/xisM9qOBLxM

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34 thoughts on “What happened to Ubuntu Unity??

  • Unity on Ubuntu 16 was the best
    I tried Ubuntu unity now and it's extremely slow and not the same

  • I can honor the effort which went into Unity and, at the same time, confess that I hated Unity from the beginning.
    The 'I insist', one way and only one way to do things mentality just rubbed me the wrong way. If I wanted to be told how my desktop was to look, I would go with apple or, shudder, Windoof.

  • I prefer Unity but they made the layout bad

  • I used ubuntu from 2006-2009 so I wasn't present when the whole Unity change took place but I feel like unity is a very cool interface where everything is quickly accessed. I would have enjoyed this back in 2010. I don't get what all the backlash and hate is about 🤔

  • Unity is Back, i hope Ubuntu Touch back to Canonical

  • I thought XFCE is too old but this is far far behind all desktops I ever saw.

  • I don't think it's fair to judge unity by today's standards. It came out not long after windows 7, and development was essentially stopped not long after windows 10 came out. If Microsoft has stopped after Windows 8 and you looked at Windows 8 right now comparing it to any other desktop, you might conclude that it was right to scrap Windows.

  • wow, looks like everyone loves this DE in the comments. i dropped ubuntu because this(Unity) bothered me to no end when it came out. i still dont like it. this was like a windows 8 equivalent to me. the member the windows 8, the vanilla, before improvements that made it usable.

  • And now it's becoming an official flavour again. Unity 7 is beautiful ❤️ Keep it alive for many more years!

  • when peoples realize you can compile kernel and bash(busybox) something to start ap systemd what eva. and you have working linux shell. no ubuntu wallpaper ncoz you havent install it lol. compile gnome and all what it need and you have linux desktop

  • Good review, my 3 desktop in order Unity, which I am using now, KDE and finally xfce. In my opinion there isn't any other. A very weak forth would be Gnome Version 2 any other version is just a hack of the 4.

  • Have you tried connecting to a secondary monitor ? I have yet to figure out how to do this in Ubuntu in Unity it was quit easy .

  • YaY greed killed Unity! It was garbage. Good riddance.

  • hmm, not nostalagia enough, but startmenu is only the one of nostalgia, but the theme I feel this not so nostalgia.
    Sorry my english is not so good, but I learning yet.

  • Unity was great, it inspired my XFCE workflow and panel layout. I remember back in 2014 playing with it on a 1280×1024 monitor on my old PC. I recall playing TF2 on at as at the time it was less buggy than the windows build. Seeing it always makes me a bit nostalgic.

  • Unity gave me two thing I've found nowhere else since :
    ⋅ a one click / one key reach area for accessing recent files + places + app's, all in one grid ( dash ),
    ⋅ Locally Integrated Menus, best situation ever ( in the title bar ),
    ⋅ a no-fuss management of multi-monitors.

    Today the CSD + headerbar has won in many places while being unfitted for any serious / heavy editor.
    Don't misread me here : CSD + headerbar are cool for some app's / KiSS like app's but unfortunately they're not the ones I daily use for working.

    5 years later, 22.04 is still missing the points in my workflows but gets almost usable – if I accept an empty useles top panel, fat headerbars / CSD that shrink the view, icons everywhere ( but mind, eventually not on the desktop screen… ) or if I spend time on gnome-extensions and theit inherent risks and breakages.

    At home maybe. At work no thanks, I'd prefer an out of the box good enough UX and UI – Budgie was a good compromise ( for me ). And was because Firefox as a snap is a drawback for the moment ( broken extensions, mostly. ) And is uneasy at multi-monitors support.

    Relying today on Compiz does not sound future-proof to say the least. Even if it had some nice touch of blur out of the box…
    but still it's kind of crazy what a young guy and the team around him achieved.
    That side of the story brings some hope and fun ! Will it last ? Is it useful ? Does it matter after all ?

  • you totally had an unlucky run at Unity. you missed out on the nice blur/transparency effects, those vms do not serve compiz well.

  • Oh, the global menu… how I miss it! (Not to mention hud)

  • Does it support Wayland (I plan to use this distro on a Microsoft Surface Pro)?

  • I heard this distro is mainly developed by a 12-year-old. He also made gamebuntu btw. I am 15 and I literally just started learning bash…

  • Unity was great at the time, but now it feels dated.

  • Omg my childhood! … and high school… lol IM recreating Unity in html, css and js just for fun and omg trying to get the little things unity had working is a crazy challenge!

  • For completeness unity8 is still alive as lomiri, it is still actively developed and it is being upstreamed into debian

  • Ubuntu was my first GNU/Linux distro and Unity made me abandon it. I don't dislike the idea behind Unity, but the implementation wasn't there at the time, even being a step backwards from the Gnome 2 based alternatives.

    That said, Unity made me move to Arch, so I'm grateful for it!

  • Man imagine if unity DE is available for manjaro

  • Hello, I remember you did a video where you showed an app to manage all web apps in one place. I forgot and cannot find the video as well now. Can you please tell the name of the app ? If anyone in the comments can hep that would be also perfect. Thank you.

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