What happens if you connect Windows 2000 to the Internet in 2024?

What happens if you connect Windows 2000 to the Internet in 2024?
While researching I also saw this video which was similar, but he used real hardware:
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Disclaimer: The content in this video is for education and entertainment purposes to showcase the dangers of malware & malicious software. I do not encourage any form of illegal hacking, nor do I encourage the usage of game cheats, cracks or hacks.

Cracks are sometimes shown to highlight the dangers of software piracy, my content is not intended to teach anybody how to pirate, or maliciously hack.

More Malware Investigation Videos:

→ Cyberpunk 2077 Highly Compressed:
→ The latest “NORD” Malware – Nordsecured:
→🧧VIRUS WARNING🧧 NEW Optifine for Minecraft 1.16 SCAM:
→ The wilkreate YouTube stealer virus that started this whole trend:

Much of the music in my videos comes from the YouTube audio library, especially this amazing music creator: .

Outro Music

Track: Lost Sky – Where We Started (feat. Jex) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Free Download / Stream:

(C) Eric Parker 2024


windows server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

37 thoughts on “What happens if you connect Windows 2000 to the Internet in 2024?

  • You were just featured on some ordinary gamers channel, came racing back to check your sub count to see if it’s risen and it has quite a bit

  • When I first installed this OS at the time, the very second I plugged in my ethernet cable I got a virus

  • Just built a new Windows 2000 SP4 VM just to grab stuff from it for archival reasons. Has yet to get infected.

    "Sasser" is a name I haven't heard in a while. It was one of my first encounters with malware from the Net. Ngl, it's impressive this 2004 virus is still going strong.

  • New to your channel but I’ve enjoyed the windows to internet series. Can I make a request? 🙂

    Windows 7,8,10,11

    All directly to the internet! I would genuinely love to know how safe newer consumer OS are.

  • Now imagine all the devices we have in the current day that require an internet connection will likely be vulnerable 20 years later.

  • I feel like this video is kind of false because I have been using Windows 2000 with Extended Kernel on my second machine connected to the internet, and nothing has happened.

  • 4:55 how did software "permanently destroy your motherboard"?

    Short of overwriting the bios I'm not sure that there would be any such thing and even then the bios chip could usually be replaced.

  • Win2K was also often nicknamed "Windows NT 5.0" and in some cases would show that when an asked to identify itself (in browsers and for web server statistics).

  • Attempted this myself. Kept it up for two hours. Nothing happened (other than a few attempts for port 21 and 80). Nothing hacked it.
    Gave up because I got bored, but I'm considering redoing it

  • Nothing happens for me, had it running for 24 h.

  • Would be funny if you have an antivirus installed and see if you get malwares

  • > connects to the internet
    > immediately gets infected by a 20 year old worm

  • I tried with windows 98, and NO mainstream browser would install. The default made a total mess of websites

  • WINNT: Don’t you dare open me,
    Cursor: yes will
    WINNT: Please Don’t
    Cursor: I will open now

  • next up: what happens if you expose windows 95 to the internet in 2024

  • I remember helping a friend to re-install their Windows XP after it got infected with some malware. And despite me telling them to confirm they were unplugged and offline for the re-install, they had forgot to unplug the LAN cable, so the PC was connected to the ethernet the whole time. After the system was just re-installed, fresh and booting up, it was already fucked by the time we got to the Desktop. Windows was immediately going to shutdown and restart the system. So it took like a few seconds. We were able to stop the counter with a 'shutdown -a' command, and install an antivirus to confirm the fresh system was infected with the Blaster worm, if memory serves me correctly. This happened around 20 years ago. 😂

  • I would be interested in seeing what happens when you connect NT 4 to the internet. It is slightly architecturally different from 2k and a lot of stuff won't run on it.

  • how do you get a public IP for the VM? i also wanna mess around with this

  • i long for a collab with danooct1
    greatest crossover of all time potential

  • You were at like 5k subs just a week ago, loveee your content man!

  • I would like to see how long a machine behind a firewall, with smb disabled, can idle before a successful attack. I expect it should be okay indefinitely.

  • It wasn't a good idea back then and for sure isn't a good idea now 😀

  • Cih that was a nasty virus a YouTuber call danoct1 has a demonstration of the virus on compatible motherboards for the cmos wipe

  • I don't know how crashing someone else's kernel or destroying a motherboard with malware is fun. It just shows that those hackers were/are psychopats if they have fun by doing malicious things to other people.

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