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What I think about CCNA vs. Network+ 2021 (as a Cisco Network Engineer)

Should you get the Network+ or go straight to CCNA in 2020? This video tells you my opinion on both certifications and how they boosted my IT career.

Like and subscribe to get more of my tips and training for your IT career questions. I hope this video inspires and motivates someone to study for either certification because they both changed my life. Drop any questions in the comments and I will do my best to answer.

More Network Lessons and CCNA / CCNP Training:

Complete Course on OSPF for CCNA / CNNP:



27 thoughts on “What I think about CCNA vs. Network+ 2021 (as a Cisco Network Engineer)

  • Thanks for the video. What do you think about CCT instead of Network +?

  • I've always told people to go comptia if you're in the states and are interested in working for the government. They require them, generally.

  • I have no degree and no experience in the IT field. If I were to get my CCNA cert, would any employer look at me? Besides retail experience, the only thing that stands out on my resume is being a military vet.

  • Loved the video ! As someone new looking to get into IT I’m gonna study the network+ then go for the ccna and vmware virtual network and work on LinkedIn . Then maybe Linux essentials and google it automation with python would be good you think?

  • If i passed the CCNA, but only experience was being a software developer years ago, would i be able to at least get a Network Admin job? What should i do? Thanks.

  • So basically if you're a doofus who wants to waste their time and "proving" something to themselves then get the Network+, otherwise if you want a job get a CCNA.

  • thanks for your honest opinion. i have a question if you cab answer , this video is almost two years old and i have heard in recent news that the new version of CCNA has more basics than before, so does that mean i should try CCNA instead of network+?

  • Would the network plus be good for someone looking to get into cloud infrastructure engineering?

  • How much u make now $$$$$ a year amigo ? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • Thanks for the video man but all that you mentioned is known to me, there are 2 answers that I'm looking for however and I'm wondering if you could help out. 1) Is the CCNA for people who specifically want to get into networking in depth or is it better for any IT specialty? 2) I don't seek to become a network engineer but rather work and advance in cloud computing, would Network+ do the job for the cloud on its own or do I need indepth CCNA knowledge? Thanks in advance!

  • I’m a project manager in a network company in Europe, to move up the corporate ladder we need to understand from a high level who we manage and what work they do. I’m now studying the network plus and ccna. Not because I’ll ever do technician work, but because I want to understand what the technicians are doing when my team implements these devices. It also build respect and comradery. Of course at a management you still have to take your leadership certs and even an mba in the far future to move into c suit.

    I was once a technician in a different industry and eventually moved into management, but in every industry you must take technical certifications to move up. So I agree, if you’re young and new to any IT industry take as many certs as you can. Knowing that once you move into supervisor or management you will continue to do certs at the leadership level that focus on soft skills. It never ends. Which is a good thing, never stay stagnant.

    Anyhow I found this video great. I’ll continue studying the network plus but may not write the exam, and then afterwards do ccna and then write that exam to slap onto resume. Then jump back to doing management related certs like scrum (but that’s another story).

  • Do you believe just studying the CCNA books is enough to pass the exam or suggest to watch lots of videos and other ccna related resources?

  • Good video. The Net+ is a good cert and a great foundation. I agree that the CCNA is a different beast. I'll be taking the exam in November.

  • My question is:
    Since CCNA is specific to Cisco, doesn't it decrease my chances to find a job in the industry? While Network+ being neutral, can give me more chances since it's more broad and might cover things that CCNA doesn't cover?

  • thank you sir , for providing knowledge for us about ccna and comptia network+ thanku so much sir . i am from india

  • im 18 , (&) have a job as a computer technician for a school district, where i basically fix everything in the district technology wise " printer jam " " computer has a virus " " shorcut wont load webpage. Although the pay is definitely amazing for the job. it seems very unprofessional. There is literally 2 people in the whole IT Department. Me ( who runs to 4 different schools fixing things ) Director which has Technology issues at the main office. Honestly, there is hardly any tickets. Some days i have to look for work. I hate that bc i feel like that's slowing me down. I love learning (&) it just seems slower ig bc some days there arent even any tickets. Im currently in college for computer networking which is taught using (CiscoNetAcad) so i basically only know cisco equipment . . I absolutely love the networking side of things … Configuring cisco switches (&) routers is very interesting! Just building the network and configuring everything (&) we done actual math when subnetting not using a sundt calculator.. (&) seeing the complete project work / communicate is very satisfying. Im sure there is very much more to networking A WHOLE LOT! but that is what caught my eye. This August will be a year ive been at my job a year (&) I graduate college next year (May 2022). I just like staying busy (&) always want to be a contribue to something big. So I just feel like I have to move on to get the knowledge that I want to learn. Mississippi is horrible for opportunities. I want to learn more about networking after this job .. im not sure if I should go for helpdesk or what path tp really take to get where ii want to be ( in the network engineering part of things ) i know thats going to be a journey while working on certs as well. I just need an insight on after this job. Im honestly not learning at the job as i may have stated earlier. ii was told by a cisco professional to try to get a networking support/technician job in a NOC.

  • Is CCNA worth it if you're looking for infosec or pentesting? Some say it builds a foundation for networking, but didn't Net+ and Sec+ do that already?

  • Do you think getting CCNA is doable if you have some knowledge of concepts from A+ ? Or is it too little knowledge? Started studying for Net+ for the concepts, then I've read somewhere that the first chapters (when studying for CCNA) are just about that. The main question is : is CCNA doable ?

  • I’m a recent information systems graduate and was not sure which one to go for. But I’ve decided to go for the CCNA. If we get more respect and more pay with CCNA then might as well dedicate more time and focus to get a CCNA and just skip over Network+.

  • Thanks for your feedback on this.. I've been doing IT/Networking for almost 10 years now, without certification (some mistakes were made, but military actually helped me get in the door). Now I'm finding that the only way I'll be able to move into a higher position is to cert up finally, and it brings me some peace that maybe I can just skip Net+ and focus on CCNA cause I've been doing the entry level for a long time, and I'd hate to get Net+ and still not have any change. I've actually taken CCNA content twice now in my life, never certed either time.

  • Hey Alex, thanks for the honest feedback on both exams and congrats on getting all those certs in such a short time.

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