33 thoughts on “What Is A Skin Tag? 😨

  • when i was in 4th grade a girl was there who had these all over her ears and once my English teacher twisted her ear and scolded her
    2 sec later blood rolled down and filled her collar
    she went home the same minute
    the teacher got in a lot of trouble

  • My skin tag went away after I got it hung on my shirt, it started getting really red and then purple, the blood then hardened and budded off

  • Funny. A doctor told me to cut it off at home with sterile scissors 😂😂

  • I just won’t tell my doctor that I used scissors, a lot of napkins, and a giant bandaid 😅

  • Just use a tooth-brace like rubberband and attach to the base of the tag thereby choking off the bloodsupply. Did it w/ 3 tags on my person w/out issue. Left now scar tissue unlike those I had removed w/ a plastic surgeon.

  • I Just ripped mine of Held my Finger into the freezer to Stop the bleeding

  • Yeah… how much is a doctor going to charge you? I normally cut them off with sterilized scissors or nail clipper. They bleed a little, but once they stop bleeding they heal just fine. If you remove them when they’re small it’s easier and they barely bleed at all. Just make sure you sterilize your tool first and sanitize the area first. You could try putting like a lidocaine or numbing cream 1st also if you’re afraid of the pain but the pain is just a pinch, so it’s really not bad at all.

  • Or i can rip it off anyway, and put a bandaid on it? Thus not having to spend money on a trip to the doctor?


  • It is more rewarding to dig it out on yourself. But, to each your own.

  • Just keep it clean and it won’t get infected and it will save you money.

  • The add after this video wast “you got any unwanted moals or skin tags” XD

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